Who Was Cain Afraid of?

by patio34 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • patio34

    When God banished Cain, why was he in fear of his life when there was only he and his family on the earth?

    After all, how many could there have been and is it logical to think they were everywhere else--anywhere else but where Cain and his family lived? So, who was he afraid of that would take his life?

    Also, why would God give him a mark of protection when he was a murderer?

    According to some scholars this was a borrowed Sumerian myth representing a feud between farmers and herders. In the Sumerian myth, there was no actual killing.


  • Introspection


  • pomegranate

    >>When God banished Cain, why was he in fear of his life when there was only he and his family on the earth?<<

    Gen 4:25
    25 Adam lay with his wife again,
    Gen 4:25
    25 Adam lay with his wife again,
    Gen 4:25
    25 Adam lay with his wife again,
    Gen 4:25
    25 Adam lay with his wife again,

    >>After all, how many could there have been and is it logical to think they were everywhere else--anywhere else but where Cain and his family lived? So, who was he afraid of that would take his life?<<

    Gen 4:25
    25 Adam lay with his wife again,
    Gen 4:25
    25 Adam lay with his wife again,
    Gen 4:25
    25 Adam lay with his wife again,

    How many times do you think Adam got layed and had kids while chapter four of Genesis was going on? Do you think C&A were the only ones because that's all the Bible writes about?? I suppose that's one way to understand it...

    >>Also, why would God give him a mark of protection when he was a murderer?<<

    Mercy? He had a story to tell? Which probably would have been a big fat lie cause; 1 John 3:12, Cain, who belonged to the evil one...

    >>According to some scholars this was a borrowed Sumerian myth representing a feud between farmers and herders. In the Sumerian myth, there was no actual killing.<<

    Some serious scholars believe we come from a race of aliens too.

    Cool huh?


  • patio34


    So, Cain would have been slain by a brother or a sister? Maybe, because he killed his brother. No, I don't think C & A were the only ones. All JWs know Cain married his sister if the Bible account is true. Maybe he was fearful of revenge.

    But it doesn't explain how the Sumerians had a similar myth before the Hebrews wrote their Bible.


  • pomegranate

    >>But it doesn't explain how the Sumerians had a similar myth before the Hebrews wrote their Bible.<<

    Cain had a story to tell. Hint, hint. So did Adam and Eve. And Seth and all the offspring from the beginning who had mouths and stories and...is that to difficult to understand?

    All the cultures of the world have a flood epic. Does that add to or subtract from the weight from the "myth" as I believe you think the Bible accounts are?

    Like, is the truth about the beginning from the peole who wrote it down first? Or is the truth about the beginning from the God who wrote it down accurate?

    Think maybe Satan was trying to throw folks off the path of truth right from the beginning? NO!!!! NO WAY!!! The father of the lie? Trying to start his own Sumerian thing going as a big red herring...

    maybe. maybe not.

    it's all in your unmade mind. my mind is made up.

  • bobsy

    There is no years given as to how old Cain was when he killed Abel so we have to make a few assumptions from the text and from our own knowledge of population explosions.

    Let's say Eve had a child every 2-3 years ..... over 50 years she could have had 150 children plus ...

    Some of the older ones would have married the younger sisters and they would have had children dirng that time and would have been moving into different areas.

    I could give the example of a family I know of for just 60 years. They had 13 children. they now have 52 Grandchildren and they have another 16 great grandchildren - the eldest great grand daughter is now 24 years old and having her own family .... so great greats are already here - about 4 I think it is now .... and the eldest GGchild is now 7 years old. Give it another 9 plus years and she could be having babies too ..... They are spread between Perth and north Queensland.

    That makes 72 direct descendants not counting those who married into the families all in 60 years.

    If you look at the records of births in Australia from settlement you can also see how it can happen. Keep in mind that we had about 5 million people at the beginning of WW1, and let's say abotu 1/3 of them had been born and raised in Australia, we are talking about 1.7 million people who were born in Australia in just over 130 years!

    As for the Sumarian stories ..... they are in all the cultures around the world so there has been a basic story handed down for centuries ..... When I looked a bit more into it I found that the only reason a person can say the Sumarian records are older than the Jewish is because the Sumarian records were on stone while the Jewish were on skins and were perishible and had to be replaced ......

    What if in 5000 years someone comes across some of our records - some on CDs and others on perishible paper that had to be replaced over the years to replace them ..... yet the originals may have been written about the same time ..... the only thing that proves is that the non-perishibles didn't have to be replaced all the time ... not that the records preceded the original information

    Hope this helps a bit

  • proplog2

    Cain was afraid of the Nodites. You only have trouble with Genesis if you take it literally. The Bible is a hodge-podge of folk-lore that serves as a matrix for a few vital messages. The vital messages/prophesies have been embedded in the Bible like a virus invades a cell. Because the Bible was considered sacred it was a good place to store universal messages and be assured of their replication.

    check out following link about prophecy

  • pomegranate

    pretty cool analysis bobsy...I enjoyed that.

  • Francois

    How 'bout this?

    Many people believe that God created everything. And that evolution was his technique.

    Creating perfect creatures would have been no great shakes for God. He'd done it over and over again. All those angels. Gabriel. Michael.

    Now, a real trick would be to create a smart molecule and let it evolve into, well, everything - including beings that could know God and seek to be like him.

    So over billions of years this smart molecule had produced plants of all kinds, animals and seafood, um, sea creatures of all kinds, and one of these animals finally evolved a brain so complex that its electrical activity could accept and support a segmentation of the cosmic mind. Think of the human mind as a hologram; the cosmic mind is the reference signal, the human mind's electrical field is the interference. Voila! A loaner segment of the cosmic mind is now operative.

    But there's a problem. Since there weren't many people on earth, the negative effect of inbreading was beginning to make its noxious appearance. What to do? What to do?

    Well, here comes Adam and Eve to upstep the biological makeup of the humans who have evolved on this planet. And there was a plan about how they were to go about doing that. Somehow that plan was not followed and we've had problems here ever since, complexified by the Lucifer rebellion.

    But the point is that there were plenty of people here from which Cain could pick a wife, and who might have wanted to see him dead.

    Now, before you say that God didn't, couldn't have done that, think carefully. Why is my version impossible? Is God's action here limited to our imagination of what could have taken place? Is there anything in my version that would be impossible for God? If God is limited to our imaginations, then he's not much of a God, is he?

    And there's another benefit to my version. It helps to end the conflict between science and religion, a conflict that should not exist. And it answers lots of questions about our origins.

    But this is my version, at which I arrived after lots of thought and some reading of some very different kinds of books on cosmology, epistemology, philosophy, and physics.

    Let the objections begin!!


  • patio34

    Oy vey!!! I concede! I don't agree, but I concede, Bobsy, Francoise, and Pomegranate.

    I tend to view the Bible as mythical. Btw, the Sumerians are the first known writers, way before any other peoples, so where they got their stories from, who knows.

    But the rest would fall under the creationist vs. evolutionist debate. I am not knowledgeable enough about evolution. However, it does seem certain to me that mankind is far, far older than the Bible allows. Also animals.

    BUT, my new motto is 'live and let live.' I now concede who Cain might have been fearful of.



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