Rape victims.....to scream or not to scream

by gumby 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    Here was an intresting read.

    Notice how "the light" seems to change? Poor freddie......he was sooooo confused!

    January 15, 1964 started Watchtower women's new year off with a
    bang: Scream if you're raped or be disfellowshiped!!!

    Wednesday, January 15, 2004 marks that 40th anniversary. Here is an

    WT pre 1964; ????
    WT 1-15-64 scream
    WT 6-1-68 scream
    Aid to Bible Understanding, 1969, 1971 don't scream
    Awake! 3-8-74 scream
    Awake! 7-8-80 don't scream
    WT 10-15-80 scream
    WT 3-15-83 don't scream
    Awake! 2-22-84 scream
    Awake! 6-8-84 don't scream AND scream
    Awake! 5-22-86 scream
    Insight on the Scriptures, 1988 don't scream
    Awake! 3-8-93 don't scream
    WT 12/15/98 scream
    J.R.Brown 9/02 scream
    WT 2/1/03 scream

  • shotgun

    Gumby did J.R Brown scream in 2002?

  • gumby
    Gumby did J.R Brown scream in 2002?

    No.....I think Greenlees was dead by that year.


  • Smyler
    Gumby did J.R Brown scream in 2002?

    No.....I think Greenlees was dead by that year.


  • crinklestein

    Is it possible to get quotes from all these issues? I would love to add them to my collection.

  • crinklestein

    Never mind. Here's the link to some of the quotes.


  • crinklestein

    It's amazing that they would DARE disfellowship someone because they were raped. It would be like disfellowshipping someone because they were robbed at gunpoint. If you hand over your money without a fight then you concented to their plan and you would be financing their life of crime. If you didn't hand over your money then you would be too aggressive and not humble and Christ like.

  • Elsewhere

    I was very curious about the 6/8/1984 Awake that was listed as both scream and don't scream. I was amazed at what they printed...


    g84 6/8 p. 28 From Our Readers ***


    Our Readers



    Thank you for the article "They Resisted Rapists." (February 22, 1984) Eleven years ago I was attacked by the son of people I cleaned house for. I was only 16 years old at the time. I remembered that I must scream and not give in to him. I bit his lip and tried to scream but he yanked my hair and put his hand over my mouth. I tried to bite again and I also prayed to Jehovah to help me in my fight. I kept struggling until he suddenly got up and sat in a chair, staring at me. Then he left the house. I feel that it is important to note that he wasn?t a total stranger to me. It is good for women to be on their guard and think ahead as to what they would do if such a nightmare should ever befall them.

    C. H., Illinois

    I was deeply disturbed by the article "They Resisted Rapists." I am very upset that anyone would even consider a victim of rape guilty of fornication. The scripture at Deuteronomy that you quote only requires that the woman scream, not fight to the death!

    C. W., Indiana

    Thank you for your article "They Resisted Rapists." I really appreciated its fine counsel to "use our lungs," and treat the rapist respectfully. I also found enlightening the experiences of those women who resisted the rapist successfully.

    T. C., Florida

    Your article "They Resisted Rapists" disturbed me very much. I was raped by a man who attacked me with a knife. I could only scream once because of being choked and having a large hand pressed against my mouth. I fought until I was unconscious. Because I survived, it disturbs me that it is fornication on my part. You say to show a rapist respect. These men show no respect for their victim. They don?t care that they are shattering a woman, leaving in her memory horror for the rest of her life. Unless you have personally experienced the horror of this crime, you can never truly understand.

    A. G., Massachusetts

    For the victim to be considered guilty of fornication there would need to be proof of willing consent. Apparently the requirement of Deuteronomy 22:25-27 for the woman to resist by screaming would clear her from any suspicion of such consent on her part. The value of resisting was emphasized by University of Illinois sociologist Pauline Bart who made a study of women who foiled rapes. In her studies, as reported in "The Edmonton Journal" of Canada (November 10, 1983), she states: "By fighting back, a woman significantly increases her chance of avoiding rape . . . Not resisting is no guarantee of humane treatment." She further stated: "Raped women who used physical strategies were less likely to be depressed than raped women who did not physically resist their assailants." As to showing respect for the potential rapist, it is not that he deserves it, but treating him civilly might help to elicit a considerate response (That's right... the rapest might turn out to be a nice guy after all ) and serve as a means for the potential victim to get out of a very dangerous situation.?ED.
  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    The rapist would be screaming should he attempt his hobby on me. My lady smith would just blast his little joy stick across the room.

  • Elsewhere

    Wow... such compassion... just makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


    w64 1/15 p. 63 Questions from Readers ***

    Such Scriptural precedents are applicable to Christians, who are under command, "Flee from fornication." (1 Cor. 6:18) Thus if a Christian woman does not cry out and does not put forth every effort to flee, she would be viewed as consenting to the violation. The Christian woman who wants to keep clean and obey God?s commandments, then, if faced with this situation today, needs to be courageous and to act on the suggestion made by the Scriptures and scream. Actually this counsel is for her welfare; for, if she should submit to the man?s passionate wishes, she would not only be consenting to fornication or adultery, but be plagued by the shame. There would be shame, not only from the repulsiveness of the experience, but of having been coerced into breaking God?s law by having sex connections with one other than a legal marriage mate. Not only that, but she might become an unwed mother, or she may contract a terrible disease from her morally debased attacker.

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