I am going to give this diet a go, after the New Year. Has anyone here tried it? I've been reading the book (I bought it yesterday) and it makes a lot of sense to me.
Princess' husband did this program a couple of months ago and lost a lot of weight, and brought his cholesterol down too. He didn't look overweight to me, but he was having problems with biking and working out, so took the weight off to help, and it worked.
I need to lose about 35 or 40 pounds and lower my cholesterol, which is pretty high after my last checkup. I've always had lower range numbers and it was high in November, and I refuse to take the drugs for it. I figure the numbers were high because of the stress over my mother and we had just gotten home the day before I had the blood test, from Joy and Steve's weekend Halloween bash, where I ate great food, but not low calorie at all.