20,000 Die While "GOD" Watches as he sips Iced Tea

by JT 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT
    If God lets thousands of innocent people die, do you think he will answer your little prayer that really is insignificant to him.

    WELL actually i was raising the question in reverse

    IF GOD ANSWERS your "Insignificant Prayers" why can't he seem to like "Hook" folks up in real situations?

    listening to him respond almost sounded like a cheap radio shack tape recorder stuck on LOOP

  • JT
    I doubt that ANY explanation would "satisfy" you

    i don't really agree with this statement, for years folks thought the earth was flat , but once a logical and verifible explanation was given- RARELY do you find folks arguing over the earth being flat-

    the thread merely high lights that typical belief systems that CONDEMN each other, still reach to the same bag of explanations to explain their gods actions or LACK OF action should we share

    the comment you made was told to me by a CO to me as I was leaving the org, that


    SO when i read your post to the other poster you stated in affect he would not accept any answer, but i disagree, i think he would accept one if it supported the "God is Love Theory"

    just my 2

  • foreword

    Had pretty much the same conversation with a Christian friend of mine a few hours ago.

    Of course he said....it's part of the sign....

    I told him that earthquakes were the only part of the sign not attributed to human activity....so I asked....is god triggering these earthquakes, cause it certainly ain't man....and if he is, isn't he guilty of murder....

    it's part of the sign he says....


  • Sassy

    My boyfriend was converted to Muslim, although he has admitted to me he pretty much has lost faith in any organized religion. He has never once called God Allah. I wish I knew answers to why anyone dies but right now everything seems pretty delusional for valid answers. That is the one thing about quiting the WTS. I used to think there was a reason for everything and now I have no answers.

  • mustang


    "it was just unreal listening to this guy, his entire explanation was so in line with other belief systems it was almost scary-" JT

    Same sermon, different church, oops, mosque. He deserves to get hit square between the eyes with that reply!!!

    Reminds me of the conversation I had with the Cambodian Muslim that works for me. I toured Malaysia earlier this year. He has been there, has relatives there and has bought some property in Malaysia. So, curiously enough, we have things in common to talk about. It turns out he has been to the same places I have.

    So, I mention the one and only gambling casino in Malaysia. Malaysia is a Muslim country, BTW. (I can hear what you are thinking: Everybody always asks ‘can Muslims gamble’; this happened in Chat )

    So he says that 'Muslims don’t gamble'!!!

    "Well," I replied, "what about the Muslim lady that was running the Keno table?" (It may have been some other Asian game, but it looked like Keno.)

    The answer??? (drum roll, please...) Ta Da: "Well, that is matter of conscience..."

    The harder you look @ Fundies the more apparent it is that some things never change!!!


  • fearnotruth22

    and thats just the tip of the iceberg. unumbered millions of humans and the animal creation die and suffer endlessly throught creation. The only time for divine intervention is for fire and brimstone from heaven or the flood to add to deaths and suffering. However according to the Bible also, God has heard and helped individulas such as in the time that Jesus did miracles.

    But why would God only help a couple of jews and contemporaries of Jesus and allow millions or billions to dies without comming to their assistance. I cant understand it. Can you?

  • Enishi

    The existence of suffering will always be an irreconcible enigma if we view God as a loving, all-powerful man (albiet in spirit form) who rules over us from heaven. Such an organism would in of itself be a finite existence, and thus subject to death and suffering. Back when I was still a loyal dub, I used to get irritated by arguements people would use against the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient God such as "could God create a stone so heavy he couldn't lift it?" or "If God knows everything, can he know more?" I was irritated partly because I knew deep down that their arguements made perfect sense. Its not possible for there to be any ultimate being, it would itself have to have been caused by something.

    Consider, for a moment, how many bacteria and other tiny organisms die within your body every second. Are you able to reach out and save each of them from the processes within you that kill them? If these bacteria were self-conscious, would they wonder about the same things we do? Would they wonder why the higher existence they worship doesn't protect them from suffering and harm, why the different phenomena within our body is a natural disastor to their short lives?

    Although we tend to view ourselves as separate from the rest of our universe, it is within this solar system that we live, move, and have our being. According to some of the wisdom traditions, our solar system is itself a manifestation of being, a life that is born and dies (I don't personally know whether this is true or not) as it goes through its own evolution. We are tiny cells within it in the same way that bacteria and other tiny organisms are part of us. These tiny lives live move and have their being within you, their "God". The solar system is itself part of a greater existence, connected with everything else and co-dependant on other forces.

    There's an interesting phrase in Buddhism that states "form is emptiness, and emptiness is form". Forms appear to be separate based on our mode of perception. However, at their most basic level these forms are part of an infinite expanse of energy that has no definite boundaries, that itself arises out of unmanifest emptiness. In order for there to be form, there needs to be opposing polarities. Therefore, it is impossible for us to exist as finite beings and be free totally from suffering. When I was a dub, I would try to imagine what paradise would be like. Although on one level, I found the idea of there being no suffering appealing, somehow the picture just seemed wrong.

    We are waves taking form on an endless sea of existence. When you take the time to listen to stillness, you will see the beauty that is beyond birth and death, or good and evil, and come closer to true peace. It is this connection beyond individual existence that is love. I think this is what the Bible writers may have meant when they wrote "God is love".

  • Kenneson

    So much for a benevolent universe!

  • Satanus


    Whether enishi's theory is correct or not, at least it doesn't contradict the picture of millions of yrs of history. If the shoe fits, and all that.


  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    Allah is The one true GOD, Jehovah is the one true GOD, yahweh is the one True GOD, etc. Alot of people dont seem to understand that There is only one GOD with diffrent personal names. Besides all that: God watch's everything , but people can cause their own destruction and violence has been around since the beginning of time(or adam and eve sin) , so once you get a better understanding of the truth and reality and GOD and The world and this life, you would not question GOD's actions, you will learn his ways and tarry till the day of armageddon!

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