too old to change. Thats MY EXCUSE. innit.
by Simon 43 Replies latest forum tech-support
too old to change. Thats MY EXCUSE. innit.
Omg now I am afraid to use any of those squiggly things and periods and double bubbles and early withdrawal from the end of the sentence
damn I loved all those things
I am an old fart ! Deal with it ,and all my typo's ,and indented paragraphs . Too bad for all of you ,and my son ,who continually tells me I type horribly . (imagine an expletive right here > <)
Where are you referencing these rules from? I am guilty of most of these infractions. In fact trying to type this is difficult, without using two spaces after the period. It is so natural for me. I was taught typing in 1992. I don't think these "rules" are right or wrong. It is more a preference or style. MLA, Chicago Manual of Style, APA Style, and Harvard Style all have various opinions on this subject. I'm only 38 but I guess I'm an old fart.
I made the OP up although they are generally recognized principles when it comes to typography and layout.
The principle tends to be having things "semantically correct". That means a period and space ends a sentence and a paragraph is marked by a single set of <p> ... </p> tags in HTML. The reason it is considered good practice is that the interpretation can be changed depending on the client. For example, if you prefer to look at things in a particular fancy swirly font then it can have the perfect kerning of the spaces between sentences and also the perfect gap between paragraphs - not just what the author thought looked best based on their specific device and view.
Trust me, it's better.
Ye olde farte here.I was taught 2 spaces after a "full stop."Is the 1 space the rule for formal e-mails also?
Thank you for the tips.
Uh oh!
I'm not only an old fartess but a rotten typist as well. Puleeeese forgive.