Are we going to be graded?
Dear typer-ers, you're doing it wrong!
by Simon 43 Replies latest forum tech-support
I have to say; before this OP, I never thought Simon had much of a sense of humor.
I'm reconsidering that view.
early withdrawal from the end of the sentence
Early withdrawal is frequently unsuccessful and seldom adds to the enjoyment.
I second the motion to not use the method.
Brock Talon
More rules of proper typer-ing:
Thou shalt not use ellipses unless thine hast been pouring out ones soul in a personal memoir and cannot thinketh of what to say next... or maybe because... one cannot-eth really know how to finish a sentence... eth...
Thou shalt not use parenthesis [or brackets] in more than one sentence in a paragraph (or block of writing) and certainly not more than one time (or maybe two at most) in a single sentence, unless thou desireth to look schizophrenic (or a little crazy-eth).
Thou shalt never use all UPPER CASE LETTERS IN A SENTENCE unless thy wanteth to be puncheth in thine faceth because it looketh as thou art screaming!!!!!
Speaking of screaming, thou shalt never need more than one question mark or exclamation point to do its jobeth!!! Why dost thou needeth more than one to make thine pointeth?????Sir Brock Talon-eth
I must admit, I do the bracket thing all the time as well as the marks of ellipsis ... -
stan livedeath
i think this thread has been well and truly hijacked. sorry baas----but you kinda asked for it -
@Sir Talon and the rest of the typing police,
There is no emoticon on this site for tearing my hair out !!!!!! For nearly 6 decades WT made the rules for me so now that I can exercise free will I feel rebellious?????!!!!! (I'll type the way I please, youse guy'es don't have to read it) Actually, It's because Armageddon was soooo close I never learned to properly type so cut us SOME slack.......................
OK, so what about the Oxford comma?
Do you want "cars are available in red, green, black, and white;" or "cars are available in red, green, black and white?" Style guides can be cited for both using it and not using it. Are we following MLA, APA, Chicago, etc; or AP and Canadian Manual?
I look young. I act young. I type OLD. I am old ! -
Just remember,:
"Every time we spell incorrectly, the errorists win!"