The meeting today was quite disturbing as usual and had to endure 2 talks by yet another egotistical, pompous CO who gives talks like a hardcore southern baptist, but people adore no matter what crazy shit spews from their mouth. Today, he talked about Jesus illustration about how if your eye or hand stumbles you, remove it. He went into gory detail about how somebodies eye ball is pulled out from their head, and what it takes to cut someone’s hand off...perhaps even with a front of many small children in the audience. He also went into detail for 25 minutes about meathods Jehovah will use to kill “ungodly people”. And to top it off, the watchtower was so culty. Saying that people who put off baptism are needlessly endangering their lives since only baptized ones can be saved...and then a few paragraphs later stating that we shouldn’t pressure people to get baptized. I can’t believe I used to believe this stuff. And I can’t believe they say that the Bible is talking about the elders with the “seven stars at Jesus right hand”. This is why I think I’m done with religion in general. Christian religions just cherry pick random scriptures to build their belief system and then make the verses out to mean whatever they want them too. I don’t know if I should give up on Christianity or not. Oh well, thanks for listening, it feels good to let these feelings out since I’m constantly surrounded by people who are obsessive cult members who preach nonstop about how amazing the org is and how careful we have to be in this world full of wicked apostates, false religion, and the “worldly” people -_-
Today’s meeting and CO visit
by Addison0998 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This guy sounds like a psycho.
All religion cherry-picks, it has to because it's about as impossible to live by ancient texts in their entirety as it would be to live by Shakespeare, the best they can do is pick out whatever suits them.
Think does in the congregation do the same thing. They cherry-pick and read only article's that are about love. The other stuff some of this mental unstable person write ,many in the organization don't bother reading anymore.
Saying that people who put off baptism are needlessly endangering their lives since only baptized ones can be saved...and then a few paragraphs later stating that we shouldn’t pressure people to get baptized.
That was in the WT study, and I also picked up on that double take. What they are telling any one not baptized that is listening, is that if you don't get baptized, you will die when the end comes very soon. And by the way, because we are a very loving and considerate organization, don't let anyone pressure you into getting baptized.
As its been said before the WTS uses and exploits fear and ignorance to control people to their own means.
Got to remember its the CO job to pump up the activity of preaching and cultivating new members. One might say they are the middle management officials for the WTS.
The Watchtower Corporation is a commercialized false prophet, so if your still wanting to remain righteous in the eyes of god then stand away from this particular false prophet , there are many and most are involved in Charlatanism. $$$
The real under lining agenda for the WTS and its many CO's is to sustain donating members and have them seek out more people who are intersted in the WTS, because its people like the CO who receive money and shelter through the WTS and those offered donations.
I remember quite a few years ago hearing our elder saying 'unbaptized publishers are worldly people'. It was a bit offending to me as an unbaptized publisher that time, but it didn't raise red flags at the moment, unfortunately - because of me being fully indoctrinated
Wasanelder Once
It's so funny. There was a fuss in the 9o's about calling non baptized ones "Brother" or "Sister". Anyone remember that? They said to go ahead and call them that because we don't want to alienate interested ones. But as we see now they are all bird food no matter what we called them. Too warped!
The worse thing is they cherry-pick from the Bible when cherries are neither mentioned nor found in the Bible.
elder saying 'unbaptized publishers are worldly people'.
There was a fuss in the 9o's about calling non baptized ones "Brother" or "Sister".
I recall, tere was a thread some months back regarding active JW's in New Zealand. In that thread, it was established that WT counts everyone who submits a Publisher Report, including non-baptized when stating to the public the number of current JW's. If the population of JW's was limited to only baptized publishers, then it seems, the claimed number would be far less than 8 million worldwide.