Many persons express why they are ANGRY toward the JW religion but what gets you depressed, just thinking about it, regarding the Witnesses?
What Depresses You About Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
It makes me sad to think of the ones who have lived their entire lives for the Organization, who are now elderly, living meagre existences because they believed they would see The New System? in their lifetimes and didn't bother putting anything aside for what should have been their golden years. It makes me sad that many of them realize they put faith in the words of men and were bamboozled, but think that they have no other social support except for the people they know at the KH and are afraid to leave.
It also makes me sad when an elderly life-long JW passes away, knowing that they won't be resurrected to a Paradise Earth? and be reunited with loved ones like they believed they would.
Love, Scully
Not a thing...any more. Fading was my last step (almost last) to cutting off the abusers in my life. You are right min, anger is the underlying emotion in most depression. Deal with the anger and the depression lifts (except for those chemical ones).
I figure they are responsible for themselves, the adults, that is. The children, I worry for them, but I survived and left. Many are smarter and leave sooner. If I had a computer and the internet when I was 19, it would have been "hasta la vista, baby."
Don't let the WTS or individual JWs dictate your mood.
Wow, blondie you move around a lot; I was just going to come to Costa Rica to visit, now you are gone.
What depresses me?
My family is still there, and I love my family to pieces. And I am viewed as the slacker, since I make maybe 10% of the meetings now, and no service for over a year.
Blondie, you inspire me. I am so glad you are here.
i love my mom & dad and wish i had something better to offer them.
dhamah and pistoff, I have already been to the school of what do you do about an alcoholic family member and what do you do about an abusive parent. You learn to protect yourself emotionally and help if you can without endangering yourself. If your loved ones love themselves, the booze, the abuse, the WTS more than you, are they worthy of your love?
Pistoff, it was too hot in Costa Rica. I wanted to explore my Czech roots.
I'm fortunate that at 23 I have been able to find the real truth about the WTS...I don't feel depressed but rather pity for all those Bethel brothers giving away their formidable years because of the incorrect teachings & subtle thought-control techniques employed by the Society. Do I believe they are brainwashed? No, I grew up near Watchtower Farms and most of the brothers there were very thoughtful...but they have been told so many times that the world has nothing for them that they just seem to accept 'what mother tells them' without actually testing their doctrines.
Either way, I just pray that sooner rather then later the organization's teachings will be shown for what they are: BS.
I agree that the root of depression lies in anger. I can't say the WT depresses me, but it does make me angry. Some reasons are universal, others are personal.
Universally speaking, I am angry at the WT for the way they have treated the silentlambs victims. In fact, I don't like the way they treat any of their members by threatening cutting off their very way of life if they don't obey WT "laws" to a T. I also don't like the way they engage in hypocrisy, nor do I like the way they are trying to hide their assets to keep their victims from receiving any monetary compesation for the wrongs they have perpetrated. Additionally, stories like the one Orangefatcat relates in the following thread make my blood boil:
Personally speaking, I don't like the way their manipulation affects my mother and step-father who live on acreage with other members of our family who are also practicing JW's. I know that no matter how compelling the evidence I can show my parents as to the fact that the F&D Slave is a lie, that they will feel as if they can't leave because not only will they be cut off from everyone they know, but that they will feel as though they are hostages in their own home because they are literally surrounded by other JW's.
On the more hopeful side of things, I think this is the year the WT is going to suffer the biggest blows to it's membership in it's entire history, and I pray that my parents and other family members will be among those who defect from the borg.
Thinking positively,
hi blondie,
i think my family love me, they never abused me, never shunned me, never anything, neither did the jw's really, they just believe their religion and i do not. i have nothing better to offer them than what they already have, that's what depresses me. i have no issues or anger to the jw society or my family, i find the whole thing amusing more than anything, my life hasn't been ideal but nobody's is, i feel for the people who were hurt, but i wasn't really hurt, or if i was it has become so much part of me that i don't know any different and i don't think i would change it if i could.
what i mean is that i have nothing better to offer my parents than what they have already, and that is depressing, no i am not depressed over it because i know my parents are happy, but it in itself is a depressing thing, the same as it is depressing for them knowing i will never go back to the false.
i am sure i could give them plenty of arguments to leave the jw's and point out the many faults, a lot of which they already know, but what for? they are happy now, and wouldn't be if i suddenly started ripping into them.
maybe this is the wrong topic. it's not a thing about jw's that depresses me, it's a thing about me, the rest of the world, my family and the whole structure that intertwines our lives that depresses me, but if the org wasn't there, i'm sure it would be less depressing.
Their legalistic approach to Christian principals.