Thanks for info Will Power. Wow, not only are they anti christ but they are blasphemers too. You know, so much of this was going through my mind when I was realizing how much I was disareeing with their teachings in my heart. I was feeling that I could not conscientiously continue to proclaim what I was expected to teach. I remember feeling like this when I was pioneering and a bible study asked me to explain why elders were chosen and directed by holy spirit. I didn't believe it myself so how could I be expected to teach it to others. There were so many other things that I was researching and finding out to be lies in thier changing doctrines. It was so heavy on my heart that I was becoming ill from it and I knew for my own spiritual and mental health and that of my family, we had to get out.
For fun list how you feel Watchtower is the Anti-Christ
by ARoarer 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yeah, they have backed themselves into an awkward position:
- The organization is spirit directed
- The organization is not perfect because of imperfect men
You just cannot rationalize these two things.
Elsewhere, they have an answer for that too. They use the apostle imperfections to explain away thier own. They put themselves on that level.
But if you use that arguement, then it must apply to other religions of Christendom. They are imperfect men who make mistakes.
Winston Smith :>D
You know, so much of this was going through my mind when I was realizing how much I was disareeing with their teachings in my heart..... I didn't believe it myself so how could I be expected to teach it to others.
When I cme to that point, I stopped FS cold turkey.
RE the Anti-christ teaching...
...My wife and I had a call that was my wife's BS. Her Bible Student brought her brother along for one study. He never made clear what religion he was, but he was pointing out how we as JW's neglected to appreciate Jesus and were taking Him out of the equation.
I remember my wife getting so upset that she ran out of things to retort with and finally started in on a Red Herring with him.
"Oh yeah? Well if you think that we are not Christian but you are, how come you have a cross on your jacket? That's idolitry!"
I was a bit embarrassed. I think the Bible Student was as well, because after that, the BS was cancelled by my wife's study.
I remember afterwards for literally weeks how upset my wife was at her Bible Student's brothers accusations that JW's were not really Christians. She kept rehashing it over and over again with me.
Looking back, I wonder if that study had an impact on me as well. I should bring it up with my wife again and see how she addresses that i am now of the same belief as the brother.
Winston, I also stopped Pioneering when I could no longer agree with what I was expected to teach others. This was such a difficult time in my life because I had actually been feeling like I was"losing my identity" for several months leading up to it and after stopping meetings altogether. Looking back on it now, and going through therapy I have come to realize that the "identity" I felt like I was losing was a sorto of psuedo personality that develops when one comes into a mind and thought controlling cult. My therapist told me that I came into the Jehovah Witness religion with my own personal values and integrity, and I was able to leave them when they no longer lived up to my values. That is so true.
Will Power
Aroar, What an extremely important observation. A true life lesson.
My therapist told me that I came into the Jehovah Witness religion with my own personal values and integrity, and I was able to leave them when they no longer lived up to my values.
Sometimes an objective point of view makes so much sense!
After being beaten up by all the guilt heaped on and stripped of any confidence in your own thoughts (independent thinking) this must be hard to put into action. And what about those who never had the chance to develop their own on their own. Sad. Second guessing everything, comparing your own feelings to those acceptable by the printing company in brooklyn. :-(
Will Power, what you say is so true. I guess I was fortunate to have been able to listen to the warning voice inside that questioned the very morality of what Watchtower expects it's members to do in the name of religion. Ya know when you think about it, so much evil is one to other human beings in the name of religious fanatacism. To harm one physically, emotionally and or spiritually because you actually believe you are pleasing the Creator. I often wonder if Satan uses all organized religion to cause harm with man. I have been able to live my life using my own human condition to know what is wrong and harmful. I don't need a religion to enforce it. Basic Christian kindness and integrity toward other human beings is an unspoken contract that I think God gives as we make our way on this earth. It is so simple.
Getting back to the topic, I think another way that Watchtower is anti-christ is that they don't follow what Christ said about love and taking care of orphans and widows. Christendom does.
Will Power
Hey Aroar
WT and their members call themselves ... the Truth. ... bright(er) Light .... the only group that have prayers heard by the one true god .... the only ones that know the deep things of god....and that you must be part of THIS group to be saved.
The BIBLE says that Jesus says HE is the..... TRUTH, the WAY and the LIGHT and that NO ONE comes to the Father but thru HIM. and that doesn't mean saying his name at the end of a prayer.
Now this same bible also says that FALSE CHRISTS will come to get you. They will be like a wolf in sheep's clothing use smooth words and fancy explanations to sway even the elect! THE ELECT ! thats how SMOOOOOOOOOOOOTH they will be.
So by their own declarations they are not only ANTI but FALSE.
The Watcthower has made itself into a fat golden cow for everyone to bow to. They have no respect for Christlike teachings of love. They have abandoned the mediator and dance around thier own Watchtower god.
The elders who believe they should be the glorious ones have brought in this false teaching and in doing so they themselves have spoken abusively of the angels
Canadian Sunshine
JW look at Christians as the enemies and anyone who worships Jesus that is NOT in the way Watch Tower tells you too is enemies, not the true Christians, and won't be saved. Satan's main purpose is to get people AWAY from Jesus anyway possible, to not hear or listen to Jesus teachings, to not believe in the bible, to judge others and hurt others, divide up families, tear families apart, and ect.
This kind of sounds like the Watcher Tower society?