So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?

by Simon 401 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    Movements galvanizing against misogyny.

    That's like campaigning for manners / against rudeness. It's laudable as an ideal, but not achievable with a march or any political endeavor.

    He poses a clear and present danger to advancements made in women's rights.

    OK, so there are no rights that they want, just things they don't want taken away ... like what exactly?

    These advancements need to be defended against over the next few years. Defense is a much more difficult position than offense.

    It seems harder to campaign for vague notions than specifics.

    You really believe hundreds of thousands are marching as a feel good measure.

    Yes, I think marching is now a trend that people want to be part of in case they miss out on something "historic". They are not the marches of the past that were about actual real issues of the day, of importance to millions.

    How did we get where we are now with the populist movements of the right? Can anyone here remember the "Tea Party".

    Yes, they were equally idiotic but at least had some goals / demands.

  • Simon
    There are so many well-intended advocacy efforts done improperly that result in no or negative impact.

    I fear a great many people will spend a lot of time, energy and money on absolutely nothing. Then when something happens that actually needs some action, people will have lost interest and the desire to fight it.

    Misguided campaigns can hurt the cause they supposedly fight for if they don't have clear and legitimate goals.

    The left needs some introspection: after 2 terms of a black liberal feminist-supporting president, why is the situation now so dire? How and why did that happen?

    There's a serious reality gap somewhere and I think some people are desperately trying to avoid having to do any introspection by projecting everything (including their anger) outwards.

  • azor

    Simon I see where you are coming from now. I agree the left does need introspection, and believe that much of where we are today is due to regressive leftists. This does not mean that protesting what he stands for and introspection cannot occur at the same time.

    I also see what is happening today as a positive thing. Some may be just venting. Many on the right were doing just the same thing after Obama was elected. It took time for them to regroup and actually present the taxed enough already movement. It wasn't called that originally.

    All movements are emotionally based. For good or ill human nature is governed by emotion. To deny that is to deny reality.Trump has tapped into that. The problem with him is that he has all the markings of a dictator. Republic's, and Democracies have been ended throughout the centuries by people like him. I believe we need both the right and left to be strong in their messaging and what they stand for, and that we need both. He however stands for himself only.

  • NotNew
    NotNew are making way too much sense, you need to stop it for fear of people's heads exploding! :)

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Semantics. Instead of saying Don't Dare Take Away Money That We've Become Dependent On and Regard as a RIGHT,

    they say, Trump is taking away our rights.

    It's a big flap about MONEY and nothing else. imo.

  • azor
    Iown My life so a woman's right to choose is about money. Sexual harassment is a money issue.
  • Simon
    The problem with him is that he has all the markings of a dictator. Republic's, and Democracies have been ended throughout the centuries by people like him. I believe we need both the right and left to be strong in their messaging and what they stand for, and that we need both. He however stands for himself only.

    I agree he's selfish and likely will seek to enrich himself and his family. But that doesn't mean he will automatically be a terrible president. Nixon was deeply flawed morally and ethically (heck, most presidents are, Obama seems one of the most decent) but Nixon, despite all his failings, produced some of the great legislation that people now hold dear.

    Of course there are similarities between Trump and dictators, we can make those comparisons with other presidents too. I think he'll have to go some to match Nixon and Reagan. But the President is just one cog in the machine.

    It's more concerning, to me, who Trump is putting in charge of various departments and the legislation they will try to pass (apparently already some to make it illegal to record certain information about minorities and public housing).

    Right now though, the left is still obsessed with identity and personality and is ignoring the actual threats to people's rights and instead focusing on the trivial and unimportant, but the most headline-grabbing.

    They have 4 years to get a clue. So far I see zero progress so I can see Trump winning a 2nd term. are making way too much sense

    That happens so rarely, you should expect a comet or the end of the world.

  • Finkelstein

    Trump and his misogynistic womanizing attitude toward woman has obviously stirred up the feminist movement and probably will while he is in office.

    The win toward the White House over Hillary Clinton may have added to this public awareness.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Are not they arguing because they fear loss of funding of Planned Parenthood?

    Are laws against sexual harassment being repealed?

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