He has offended ALL women , Let alone anyone that cant pass.
Where have I claimed that he hasn't been insulting?
What I'm questioning is the response to it. Actually, I was questioning what the point of the march was and apparently the consensus is that it is to protest his insults.
Simon have you ever been assaulted or raped by a superior? I doubt it. I haven't either so all we have to go by is what the historical evidence indicates. One name comes to mind Bill Cosby. Where there's smoke there's fire.
I agree. But making accusations in the media is not the same as making them in court. It's important that those accused are also given a chance to defend themselves. It also wouldn't serve justice to only allow victims to comment on things.
Damn straight. The ability to peacefully protest a bully (oh yes, a car window was broken and a nazi was suckerpunched, there is a few hundred easy bucks for the nut-right youtube community!) is exactly what makes america great in the first place!
So, you are one that thinks violence is justified against "nazis" ... but then the left is quick to label everyone a nazi. No way that can go wrong and get out of hand ... Welcome to the world of left-wing thuggery. Cost for stepping out of line? Death threats and intimidation. But they're the good guys?
And that Trump makes the number of people attending his inauguration a major point of his first speech for the CIA is just delicious.
Yes, he's a self-obsessed clown. I think everyone can see that.
But all the while the left is obsessing over this, and he's happy to keep you at it, you are ignoring things that actually matter - bills being put forward for instance. Actual things that matter.