A lot of woman can't afford to pay for tampons and sanitary napkins yet insurance companies cover rogaine.
I grew up quite poor and had to make my own pads or napkins duct tape and whatever absorbent material I could find. Going to school was a nightmare but some organizations would donate these so at least I was able to get them at this public school we switched to. I cant tell you how many times I just stayed home with a towel between my legs ( I know, TMI but I'm trying to prove a point).
It's ridiculous that we have to pay tax on these items and insurance companies arent willing to cover the cost.
There is still plenty of double standards and discrimination in the workplace. We want equality!!! We want to be able to work in construction, as a mechanic and other blue collar jobs without being told we're not the "right fit" even though we're highly qualified.
Feminism is about equality and NOT bringing down males. I know some feminists feel the need to put down men but that is not what true equality is about. Men are also expected to behave or be a certain way. Because of this, men also need to be freed from gender roles. It benefits everybody.
Equality/feminism is about being free to be who you are. It's ok to be a strong female and it's ok for men to take paternity leave. If you want to be a stay at home mom Go For It! But it shouldn't be expected. People shouldn't look down on stay at home fathers. If a man wants to do laundry and cook all day GO for it but it shouldn't be a huge deal.
Maybe some feminists don't really know what they're fighting for but all the ones I know do volunteer work and are fighting their way to achieve their goals. They're working hard to get government positions, which FYI, is still very difficult for a women to get.
The MeToo movement is something that shouldn't be laughed at. It's no joke. We all know how harmful it is, just look at the WT. A LOT of women have been sexually victimized. I was sexually harrassed continuosly since I was the only girl with boobs in my class. It was horrible! It is very traumatizing and anyone making a joke out of it is just dispicable.