by Yerusalyim 183 Replies latest social current

  • SheilaM

    Yeru thanks for posting. You would think Bin Laden etc would be the biggest threat now wouldn't you, I would say terrorism is the biggest threat but smoke and mirrors smoke and mirrors

  • Yerusalyim


    I wonder how many of those same 40 million who can't afford health care can afford two cars...computers...palm pilots...a four bedroom house...etc ad infinitum?

    didn't even win the election but became president nonetheless

    Old and DISPROVEN arguement.

    What is there to admire about him? Aside from his success as a businessman...the fact that he constitutionally won election as President of the United States? Perhaps it's because he's seen as a man of principle who doesn't live by polls (unlike his predecessor).

    The poll was taken in early december...I wonder how much it went up AFTER the capture of Saddam.

    How can a poll presume this little error when you poll only 1004 adults, and the general population in the 2000 census was 281,421,906 of which 209,128,094 were 18 and over, and 196,899,193 were 21 years or older

    Such is the nature of the poll...Clinton lived by polls just like this one.

    Most (if not all) of the people I talk to about the US president, think very badly about Bush. They see him as just getting us into another war in order to preserve the power of the high classes.

    Care to explain exactly how that works? How does going to war preserve the power of the high classes?

    Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Well, let's see if Saddam gives it up...my guess...part are in Iran...part in Syria...and part still in Iraq

    Where is Osama Bin Laden? More than likely hiding out in Iran...though he might still be in the tribal regions of Pakistan...where Musharif has neither the will nor the ability to go in and get him.

  • seattleniceguy
    I care what Europeans think of Bush? Not much...spineless cowards many of them...wouldn't even intervene in Bosnia or Kosovo. The Polish...ask the Poles what they think about the US and Bush...they like us.

    Yeru, this statement is maddening. Disregard for what the rest of the world thinks is exactly why so many people, Americans and otherwise, are angry with Bush. Calling nations that don't agree with us "spineless cowards" is an ad hominem attack - one of the most ridiculous reasoning fallacies.

    The fact that such a large portion of the informed world denounces US policies should be a wake up call, not an occasion to plug our ears and sing songs.


  • DakotaRed
    The fact that such a large portion of the informed world denounces US policies should be a wake up call, not an occasion to plug our ears and sing songs.

    SNG, do you advoctae the US giving up their soverignty and being in submission so we can take orders from smaller and poorer nations? Why don't they materialize their own wealth and power? We aren't supposed to ignore the rest of the world, but theyc an ignore and be jealous of us enough to want to take away instead of earning their own?

    Twice, in the 20th century, it was the US who had to aid Europe to stop their own wars and return to relative peace and now we should submit to them and follow their whims? No thanks. Europe is the big appeaser of things and then cries to the US when it fails. Appeasement has never and will never work.

  • seattleniceguy

    Let's not play strawman, Dakota. I don't suggest that the US should be Europe's lapdog. I don't suggest that the US ask for orders from the European Union.

    You seem to suggest that Europe doesn't like us because they are "jealous of us" and "want to take away [our wealth, position, etc] instead of earning their own." I find this suggestion to be ludicrous. Europe is a collection of developed nations and highly educated people. Their opposition to our policies stems not from childish jealousy, but from moral outrage. To dismiss the legitimate concerns of the world is not the stand of a fearless leader, but a reckless bully.


  • Englishman

    The European thing is a bit of a misnomer. Although we're geographically a part of Europe, we don't regard ourselves as Europeans. In fact, we're known as the most hated man in Europe.

    (Apart from the Portugal, which is the only European country that we haven't been to war with.)


  • Simon

    I think he's probably the most dangerous man on the planet and has set the world back at least 20 years. We'll be paying the price of having him for many years to come just as we're now paying for the legacy from the likes of Reagan.

    Funny isn't it, Americans rate him for what he does abroad (ie. not to them) but poorly on domestic issues (where what he does affects them). Foreigners don't like his policies abroad because they have to suffer because of them. I guess when what he does affects you, you are less inclined to like him.

    Most admired man? I think this may be a poor reflection on America rather than a good advertisement for 'Mr President'.

  • Englishman


    I disagree. Bush and Blair both had the bottle to invade Iraq. A dangerous dictator was removed, and another mad dictator, Gadaffi, was impressed enough to seek peace for his own country. I suspect we'll see a lot more of this in the Middle East.

    Bush ain't no academic, that's for sure, but he ceratinly has tenacity for carrying things through. He needs to listen to other countries more though, that I do agree with.


  • Simon

    You have to admire the way he's turned massive world sympathy after Sept 11 into outright hostility ... even from traditional 'allies'. That is quite an achievement. I'm not sure anyone else could have managed it. You neo-con republicans must be so proud.

    I hate to piss on your parade but when people in the UK talk politics (eg. at work) you hear phrases like "mad man" bandied about "religious nut". People do not dislike like Americans but you will hear some pretty bad things said about America (the administration). This is from your strongest ally.

    Wake up and smell the coffee. You shoudl start trying to be neighbourly and making some friends instead of bullying everyone because if you ever take a tumble, you may just find more than a few people coming to put the boot in. Many analysts reckon that China will overtake the US economically in the next 20 to 30 years so don't make the mistake up supposing that your empire will be the odd one that never declines. It can and it will. The trick is to make the decline a slow slide and not a big fall.

  • Simon
    A dangerous dictator was removed

    Yes, one that THEY PUT AND KEPT THERE !!! And that wasn't the reason given for going to war ... that's just to save egg-on face.


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