My story of becoming a circuit overseer after Kin Suen visited our congregation.

by ExCircuitOverseer 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    I started to realize that I was once just an impressionable kid who was heavily influenced by the adults around me. Adults that were wrong.

    And right there is the moral of the story.

    Children getting baptised at 11 to impress their parents, who in turn use it to impress others.

    Getting advice from elders or their wives about the importance of pioneering, who stopped pioneering years before and have their own businesses.

    Elders telling you about the dangers of university and they send all of their own kids there anyway.

    If there are any younger ones reading this, remember that just because your parents happen to believe something, it doesn't make it true. You will be the one to pay for your mortgage or rent and put food on your table, no one else. Picture your life 40 years from now. How do you want it to be?

  • Balaamsass2

    Just another sad tale of a youth wasted with Watchtower. :(

    PS. While I was at Bethel in the 70s overseas Branch Overseers were brought back for various meetings and training.

    I was excited to have a few work in my department for a few hours each day. I was expecting some Bible scholars! They were all formerly in the circuit work, Gilead Grads, etc. Yikes, was I disappointed. Half had little formal, or bible education. All could recite Watchtower Dogma verbatim, but had trouble reasoning with underlying biblical principles, and everyday work requirements, and even argued with visiting writing staff & GB members (unsuccessfully) during coffee breaks.

    Sadly, Gilead is no substitute for College, in preparing for the real world. All investments of youth, time, money, and life in Watchtower are a waste. :(

  • ExCircuitOverseer

    Actually I’m still trying to bring down the Watchtower secretly. I am still technically in the organization although I haven’t attended in years. I ask questions and I send emails to my Witness friends trying to provoke critical thinking. When I see them in person I am careful in my responses so they don’t shut down and shun me. Well, some do and some don’t.

    Looking back as I woke up I really I thought I could bring the organization down in a year. Wishful thinking and lack of knowledge of how strong the organization is. I thought if I could convince a few people it would snowball. It never happened.

    Anyway, I lost my Bonafide password and my backup email, eventually I came up with ExCircuitOverseer, hoping that some who are not ex-JW would read my story and be helped to wake up. I will say that I am so thankful for those early months reading on this forum from many kind people when I was so lost. Looking back now, it’s amazing to me now how sheltered I was, even as a CO I lacked so many basic life skills and knowledge. Of course, I was a CO in a developing country where the average age of the CO was 28 and most of us were single, a poverty-stricken country with high illiteracy.
    And I am just one person. I have read over the years experience of hundreds of others and I know there are thousands who made sacrifices as young persons and had their life derailed as a result. I still am in contact with current missionaries who feel the End is so close so they have to stay in their assignments or at Bethel. Others who are still pioneering or forego having children or seeking a career. It’s still going on.
    I am hopeful that there will be more and more leaving. I am focused on my family but in the time I can spare I try to help others in my own small way. Before I ever posted on here so many years ago I read and read experiences and comments of others. They helped me wake up. Then they helped my wife wake up.
    This is a great forum, life-changing for me.

  • cyberjesus

    Glad you are out. Btw you didnt serve... you worked for free due to fraud... CO = head cult recruiter. Bethel = cult headquarters. Missionary = international cult fraudulent indoctrinator....

    We got all scammed. Some scammed the many... and the many are still scammed..

  • wannaexit

    What a life story! Thank you for sharing. Please post more.

  • truthlover123

    If only, if only we had that insight before we got caught in the hype. All the best to you and your family.

  • NotFormer

    "Looking back as I woke up I really I thought I could bring the organization down in a year. Wishful thinking and lack of knowledge of how strong the organization is. I thought if I could convince a few people it would snowball. It never happened."

    The whole religion is based on: "If you see something that causes you to doubt, look away!" That impulse is ground into JWs from day one. You saw a lot of things over the years that you could no longer "look away" from.

    Unfortunately, those you thought would be honestly interested in TTATT, were well conditioned to look away, and would have ignored you as just another opposer. The WT is good at what it does (in some areas, anyway).

  • Lynnie

    I knew Kin and Mary Jo from Washington State. He wanted me to be his mistress and be available to him every time he came to town. I was trying to escape the jws and had just moved out to a worldy boarding house and he showed up since my mother gave him my address. Of course none of my family believed me. I was well on my way out after that!!!!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Phil on his the Blue Envelope channel uploaded this thread to his youtube channel.

    Phil is awesome.

    Full marks to what he does.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Bona-fide! I remember you. You are about a year older than me.

    I also went to MTS, 63rd class I think, have to find my class ticket to verify. 2002 in St. Louis, MO.

    I was encouraged to apply to, and recommended by, a CO from (I think) the first MTS class, Michael Emilo. I believe you were in the 2nd class.

    I was assigned to Hill City, KS, along with another classmate, two weeks out of school.. The elders there had already ran one MTS grad off. They did NOT want us there. I couldn't go, Scott went. Often wonder what happened to him.

    I ended up assigned as an elder one circuit over from my home circuit, in Carlyle, IL. I have written on this forum about that short-lived tenure. They didn't want me or the other 2 from our class. I left and went to a congregation a few miles from my home. Reappointed as an elder with a 10 month delay. Just no longer in the MTS program.

    That program just set us up for failure. Sending us to problem congregations, or poor areas with no work. We had no authority to fix anything. I tried , which is why I left in 2007. I got tired of fighting for justice, especially for elderly JWS being abused financially by the elders.

    I was never DA or DF. I used my training and knowledge gained in MTS to my advantage. Locals leave me be, because I called HQ and spoke to Legal and Service. If I ever tried to come back, they would crucify me. LOL.

    I got married in 2011, to a non-JW. Best thing ever. But, I still have residual effects of the cult in my attitude. Lots of anger, dissipating with time.

    Glad you made it back to the board. Maybe it's best your old Bonafide posts are gone. You sound more reasonable now.

    Reach out if you like, be interesting to talk with you.


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