Witness parents?

by happysunshine 26 Replies latest social family

  • keeshah

    Dang! Tell us how you really feel, Black Sheep. LMAO! That was just TOO funny!

  • mpatrick

    My parents are both still JWs. I have only tried to discuss the truth about the "truth" one time with my dad...showed him something from a JW publication and he replied "I don't like where you're going with this" and so I dropped it. My mom and I discuss things on a regular basis, but I don't think she gives it much thought...she is happy where she is and has no intention of changing, at least not changing herself...she will never give up on trying to change me...LOL! I have never been d'fd or d'ad, so they will both talk to me...so I "try" not to push the issue.

  • freelife

    Now that my parents know of my life decision, they have not talked to me in months. I really don't care about them any more. I figure that if they can turn their backs on me for me making myself happy for once in my life, i can go through my own life with no regrets about not associating with them. It was not my choice for them to turn on me my conscience is clear.

  • Heatmiser
    how do you deal with them?

    I don't. They made the choice not me.

    Gophers post hits it 100% in my situation.


  • Elsewhere

    I'm 3rd Generation in a super-dub family with two people who are anointed... and I'm DAed... just do the math.

  • garybuss

    My egg and sperm donors work for the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation. They have not recognized me as a son for years and now, by acceptance, I don't recognize them as parents. I can't imagine how they would begin to make amends for all their years of rejection and abuse. I don't think it's in their plan. This is the way it will end.

  • Azalo1

    My parents are hardcore JW. For a while they said they werent going to talk with me but they have never really lived up to that and they call me regularly, I just avoid the topic with them. If i even hinted at something anti-jw i think they would go through with their promise. I've always been tempted to "test the waters" but am afraid of the consequences so I just hope that they will open their eyes some day.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    OMG, I've been edited

    My parents would rather burn in hell than admit they are wrong. I've never been baptized, but only drifted out without knowing how wrong it all was until a few months ago.

    I told them.

    They didn't like it.

    They still keep in regular contact, but don't discuss it with me. They do have a bad habit of talking about their wonderful experiences in the work in my presence and I will have to give them the message that it is not a good idea. I may have to get my wife to tell them for me as I can be rather undiplomatic when riled, as those who read the original post may have noticed. LOL.

  • Momofmany

    My father was never a witness. He was Catholic, so was my mom. She converted when I was 14, and took all 5 of us kids with her. She is still a witness. My dad has since passed. Now we live in the same house now. Makes for interesting 1 AM talks. After I get my children in bed, once a week we have battle of the scriptures. It lasts until 1, and then we retire for the night.

  • pamkw

    My mom is a long time jw, about 36 or so years. We have a very careful relationship. She hints at meeting stuff and I ignore it. Sometimes though she says things that I just can't stand, like she expects her youngest grandchildren will never become adults, that God will kill them. That made me so angry. Why would anyone want to worship a God that was going to kill her grandchildren. Of course, she said my oldest would never go to grade school. He is 20 now, and about to enlist in the army. (my mom took that news very well.) My youngest sister is a holier than thou jw, and I can't stand her. I go out of my way not to speak to her. When ever she opens her mouth, stupidity falls out. She married a total stranger when she was 19 or 20 because he was the only jw single man around. They have such a (gag) great marriage!!! After all they are in the 'truth'. I try hard to speak to my mom, and show her respect, but sometimes it has hard.


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