My mother gave me the last few Watchtower and Awakes when I visited her this week.....In the 1-1-04 Watchtower, under the article---"Jehovah's Word Is Alive---Highlights From The Book Of Genesis---1"-------on page 29, the question is asked:"Did Jehovah God speak to Adam directly?" Notice their answer. "The Bible reveals that when God spoke to humans, it was often through an angel. God's chief spokesman was his only-begotten Son, called "the Word". Very likely God spoke to Adam and Eve through "the Word"........This entire article gives reasons for all sorts of things without real backup. They are to be accepted as if they are clearly FACT!.......Can you think of anything that JWs believe in that is clearly unproveable???
Give Examples of How The Watchtower Implies Things Without Backing It Up
by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends
One thing the Watchtower implies is that OF COURSE Jesus and his disciples used the Hebrew pronunciation of the divine name when referring to God. After all, didn't Jesus speak of "coming in his Father's name" and didn't the model prayer say "Let your name be sancitified"? So therefore it logically follows that Christ and his followers regularly uttered the name Jehovah, Yahweh or whatever, just because Jehovah's Witnesses do so today.
well, wish I could, but I gave up reading the Watchtower many years ago.
Generally speaking, my memory is that what they do use to try and back up their statements was unreliable, inaccurately translated source.
or like other media sources, picked and chose quotes / examples from other information sources (news, historical, etc.) to support their biased viewpoint.
or they fell back on FAITH....which really didn't have to be backed up and of course all Good Christians had in their back pocket when all arguments failed...
Also, if Jehovah destroyed the "cities of Sodom and Gomorrah" it meand he didn't really destroy just the cities. It means he destroyed the people. And if the cities are destroyed forever, that means the people are destroyed forever and hence---no ressurection for gays!
How about - that the 144,000 of Revelation are one and the same as the faithful and discrete slave of Matthew. Now back that up using ONLY your bible..............
Very likely God spoke to Adam and Eve through "the Word"..
Key phrases and words are used by the WTS after which they make a statement not supported by the Bible. To start with:
Very likely
Minimus, All of the following have been either implied or sworn to. 607b.c.e.1914 -1919 - 1935 - 1975 -etc.the Great Crowd,144,000. .All these are " Mere Assertions " "One - Sided Presentations" "Circular Reasoning " 'False Dilemmas" They "Poison the Well ".Using "Provincialism".
When caught in the act because they failed in their implications they use "Euphemisms"to try and bail themselves out.Such as WE the rank and file,made, and or had,misunderstandings,mistakes,premature expectations,misinterpretations.
With the Genesis account,they will say,it a matter on which a "correction of viewpoint has been needed"and the all famous "Views in need of Refinements"So ,they know there is a way out when they can't back up a teaching or interpretation that they make.
The "other sheep" are the same as the "great crowd". The "great crowd" before the throne in heaven must be of the "earthly class". Calling on the name "Jehovah" out loud can keep Satan and the demons away. Practicing yoga is a form of demonism. Smoking is too. Oral sex between marriage mates is "unnatural".Standing for the flag salute is up to you but standing for the national anthem is idolatry. Celebrating a birthday is creature worship but 2 people celebrating their anniversary is up to you.........
Black Sheep
My favourite is "Some scholars suggest" in the Should You Believe in the Trinity booklet and other publications when explaining Thomas' 'exclamation'.
John 20:28 In answer Thomas said to him: "My Lord and my God
Should You Believe in the Trinity
But what about the apostle Thomas? saying, "My Lord and my God!" to Jesus at John 20:28? To Thomas, Jesus was like "a god," especially in the miraculous circumstances that prompted his exclamation.
I don't see any exclamation mark in the Greek text.
I guess that is because I am not 'anointed'
BTW searching "Some scholars suggest" on the 2001CD will give you 26 hits in the Insight book.
The "other sheep" are the same as the "great crowd".
Actually, many JWs will argue with you on that one. All the earthly class are other sheep but only those of the other sheep that survive the great tribulation are considered part of the great crowd. Technically speaking, there is no great crowd yet. Oh well, you could get JWs in my area arguing about that for days, well minutes anyway.
w00 2/15 p. 13 The heavens were opened up to him,? evidently indicating that he could now recall his prehuman life in heaven, including the thoughts and feelings that went with it.On one such occasion, Joseph and Mary, after a diligent search, found 12-year-old Jesus in the temple in the midst of the teachers. To his worried parents, Jesus said: "Did you not know that I must be in the house of my Father?" (Luke 2:49) "Father"?that word must have had a warm and positive connotation to young Jesus. For one thing, he evidently had been told that Jehovah was his real Father.
w00 1/15 p. 13
Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.Evidently, then, some of Christ?s "chosen ones" will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins.
w01 11/15 p. 31 While in the ark, Noah doubtless led his family in spiritual discussions and thanksgiving to God. Evidently by means of Noah and his family, pre-Flood history was preserved. Reliable oral traditions or written historical documents in their possession would provide fine material for profitable consideration during the Deluge.
w01 11/15 p. 30 When the Flood came, the disobedient angels apparently dematerialized and escaped destruction.
w01 1/15 p. 29 At first, the governing body consisted of, not 7 men, but 12 apostles. Evidently, its number was enlarged later, for "the apostles and older men in Jerusalem" were taking the lead.
(Add doubtless and undoubtedly to the cue words)