Blondie, I remember a QFR regarding the other sheep and the great crowd. The gist of the article was to not get too worked up over technicalities. Do you remember that one?
Give Examples of How The Watchtower Implies Things Without Backing It Up
by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends
Yah, I just wanted to see if I could get you going.
Blondie You're sooo bad!....... Another example is that of how the WT. says that early Christians went from door-to-door. No they didn't. Those big fat liars!
Of course, they did, min, I say a photo in the WT showing them doing it. Seeing is believing. Just like Paul having a scroll in his back pocket to share with a woman in the marketplace.
I vaguely remember Paul doing that. I think some of the pictures give false ideas, like the one of the early Christians going in twos, knocking on doors and speaking to householders.
"Did Jehovah God speak to Adam directly?"
"The Bible reveals that when God spoke to humans, it was often through an angel. God's chief spokesman was his only-begotten Son, called "the Word". Very likely God spoke to Adam and Eve through "the Word" [Michael/Jesus].
I agree that this was "very likely".
Schizm-----Why do you feel that it's "very likely"? I think it's most likely that Jehovah would speak to Adam and Moses and Abraham without the intervening of Jesus. When the SCRIPTURE says Jehovah spoke to a person, why is that not easily accepted.? Why try to add or take away from the Word??
Can you think of anything that JWs believe in that is clearly unproveable???
Yes. The doctrine of 1914 is one such example.
Schizm, Could you please answer the question I just asked? Or have you changed your mind and see that it's not "very likely"?
got my forty homey?
One issue that bothered me as a young man but I was scared to ever mention was the blood issue. The Bible does say not to eat blood and when animals were sacrificed to pour thier blood, etc. However why can't blood be used to save lives?
And the blood laws basically went back to the mosiac law which christians were not to follow anyway.