Hi right back atcha Tina!
Java, I'm so glad you chimed in, I was wondering where you were/how've you been. Thanks for your gracious insights.
Joel, ha ha ha, now you've got the right idea.
over the years of being a JW i found that people seemed less strange and that there were fewer weirdos. my guess is, is that i was becoming a little odd myself and that is why others seemed less soAmen brother. And now, the farther away I get, the LESS normal they are.
I think Joel and Bigboi are right, they are just people, but they are told so convincingly how 'special' they are...And when it comes down to it they want to just be seen as normal by everyone else.
It is no secret that most JW are embarrassed by their restrictive beliefs. Just read my thread call "my husband embarrassed me" and you will see what I mean.