...........especially if someone comes here to tell us why we're wrong in our thinking???
How Can We Help JWs That Come On This Board To "Discuss"?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
It depends, actually according to WTS theology/doctrine/rules, "good" JWs should not be here. They might catch something, like a glimpse of the facts.
If someone comes here with that attitude then their determination, IMHO, is to try and "correct" the thinking of members of this board. If one could reason with a JW with that attitude, you may get him/her to start thinking--but you must insist, in a kind matter so they don't think you are criticizing the society/gov. body, that they answer your question/subject. And I think it would be best if you keep it to questions that you can find a Bible reference to and help them to reason on that.
If you stick to the context of Scripture, it might be easy to "prove" that a JW is wrong, imo.
I don't believe a JW in good standing would come to this or any other board. It would be avoided like demonism and/or the plague. I think it would be better to write articles that are factual and get them published in local papers and refer to the board and Freeminds as the place to go to get another view. Since the addage "When you are ready to be a student a teacher comes along" then a truly honest truthseeker will find out that the WTS is just plain false. Until then the JW's will stay with The Lie, what else can they do?
I personally don't like doctrinal debates. Almost any position can be "proven" scripturally.
For me, logical problems are much more inescapable. They aren't as open to whim and subjectivity. For example, the story of the global deluge was a constant thorn in my brain because it introduces so many intractable problems.
On the other hand, my friend left because he wanted to have a kid, and he began to feel that the JW culture was not the best one to help a child to flourish.
I suppose that it's really a case of different strokes for different folks. People need different things to get them to think. Probably the one constant is that when reasoning with such people, we take a compassionate tone, rather than an angry, sarcastic one. Such a kind tone is what enabled me to read my first-ever "apostate" literature, at beyondjw.com.
: How Can We Help JWs That Come On This Board To "Discuss"?
By continueing to speak the TRUTH about the truff!
little witch
By being honest, we can help them.
I think the ones who come here and stick around asking questions and debating the subjects are looking for honesty from outsiders.
I think they just arent brave enough to ask around in the "real world", we are sort of in between here. They know we can relate to them on some level, having been through it all, and I feel they value our opinions and similar situations.
I do not believe that die hard dubs come here looking for converts, or argument for argument sake. They know the existence of this board, and have probobly already read much before posting.
Personally, if someone asks my opinion on something, I will answer straight up, no sugar coating. I hated being told what to do, and how to do it by the dubs. I wanted to find my own way, and I assume others feel the same way.
If someone has been tough enough to endure years of dubdom, they are surely strong enough to handle being challenged by differing opinion. And sensibly, if they didnt want to hear the real answers, they would stay on an "invitation only" site with no non-witnesses to bother them.
I have had the pleasure of seeing many come here saying we are wrong, wicked, etc, and end up becoming champion apostates!
I am assuming Mini, that you mean the ones who stick around, and not hit and run types? Cause I have a whole other post reserved for those!
I'm thinking of ones that may come on the scene and post positively about JWs, whether or not they've been around for a while.
Lady Lee
What I have seen here is that JWs who post here and are pro-WTS get attacked and quickly lose interest. Or they quickly discover they can't refute our info and leave. I think the strong negative reactions they get from some posters here does nothing to help them see the other side or even begin to consider the WTS isn't everything it claims to be.
If we want this place to be open to active JWs whether they are honestly seeking truth or honestly seeking to defend their belief we need to be respectful and kind. Being nasty and angry at them for the WT policies only reinforces what the org says about those who have left. Personally I have no desire to support the WTS's concept of those who have left.
Kindness, tact, and plenty of info will do a lot more to help them see the real truth.
Remember they are just as trapped as we used to be