I've always had a problem with the Hebrew scriptures and the way God was portrayed. It's like talkin' about 2 different Gods. On one hand you've got a petty, murderous, jealous, insecure sounding god (hebrew) and on the other you've got someone who is supposed to be the epitome of love. What are your most glaring examples you have with the hebrew god in comparison to the greek scriptures Jehovah? I'll start it.....................How about destroying everyone on the earth (sans 8 peeps and coupled animals) in the Hebrew scrips yet proclaiming in the Greek scriputures God desires no one to die..............
Hebrew Scriptures Jehovah vs. Greek Scripture Jehovah
by Black Man 18 Replies latest jw friends
There is no contest, because there is no greek scriptures jehovah. The tetragrammeton does not appear in the greek scriptures even one time. Can you accept that? The greek scriptures is about jesus. What do these facts tell you???
Black Man
true...........but Jesus talks at great length regarding how loving, merciful and fabulous God is, which differs greatly from the Hebrew Scriptures portrayal..........
Let alone the fact that there is no "Jehovah" in the N.T., I'm not sure "God" has changed that much. Read the eschatological material in the synoptic Gospels (Mark 13; Matthew 24--25; Luke 17; 21), the Ananias-Sapphira or Herod stories in Acts, the anti-gnostic epistle of Jude (// 2 Peter), or the entire Revelation and you will find that the Christian God, in some of his depictions, has not really given up killing people he dislikes.
Just think of the tone of what is probably the first known Christian writing, and its bearing on the later history of Christian antisemitism -- 1 Thessalonians 2:14ff: "the [Jews], who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God's wrath has overtaken them at last." Ironically the "Jews" might include Jesus' own movement in Judaea, currently led by James, which opposes the Pauline "mission"!
In fact the problem of the violence of God is present and diversely appreciated in the NT as much as in the OT. Think of Jonah for instance, where Yhwh wants to destroy Nineveh and then renounces...
Sorry SS, I had not read your post.
Black Man
By the way, my mistake. I should've titled it.....Hebrew Scriptures God vs. Greek Scripture God or something.......
Jesus talks at great length regarding how loving, merciful and fabulous God is
Yes, jesus' own words, for the most part. He does make a couple of pronouncements that go out of this character. Makes one wonder if 'the father' that he spoke about is the same as the ot yhwh, or paul's god, or jude's, or the god of the apocalypse. But,
even in the nt (greek scriptures), a person has passages from which to pick and choose.
In fact the historical Jesus may have been a much more violent character than the Gospels would have us believe -- and that would explain the crucifixion...
Btw, LOL @ Narkos(s)is! (the misspelling reminded me how soporific I can get...)
Sorry, i must have been thinking about drinking.
It is obvious that the greek scripture is not a continuation of the old testatment and in fact, was influenced by other cultures. If you look at the classification of love into agape, storges, philia and eros, it obviously took the greek construct of love to make such a subtle distinction of love. This was indefinable using the hebrew language for obvious reasons. The reason why such marked differences exist about the portrayal of God is the culture acquired from the heathens who had spent more time considering even subtle definitions of things like love, justice, good etc.