A few days ago, Mom tells me she's visiting a new KH. According to her account, all the pioneer sisters are asking about "me" (we don't remember the name, but your daughter that used to come to meetings.) PS #1 says "We're missing you, tell her we say hi." PS #2 says "Well, doesn't she know the end is near, what is her contact information so I can talk to her about "the end." PS #3 says "Well, you know, she wasn't very strong anyway, she was never one of us..." PS #3 is a royal beech, always has been...always will be.
They're asking about me at area Kingdom Halls!
by TresHappy 15 Replies latest jw friends
Isnt that nice tres??? they LOVE you!!! that is why they want to see you LOL Not as much as I do though((((HUGS)))
Ooooh, don't you just feel loved?
Wanna go back???
This should be a new reality TV show... who can stay in the cult the longest. The winner gets to die.
Tres, they said that to your mom. What a downer for your mom! They must not like her very much.
Until I read your post, I thought maybe they were asking about you because they were wondering how your romance novel was coming and wanted to know how it all ended...
The romance novel is being updated - I'll post tomorrow!
Waymores Ghost
Yeah, well that just goes to show you how genuine their "concern" is, doesn't it...
You see how the conversation progressed from seemingly genuine interest about your welfare....to "she was never one of us". How sad.
They dont even remember your name but they want to lay it on thick anyway...
I find it very interesting that the person they are asking about, they never call to speak to that person. If they really miss you, why aren't they trying to visit you?
When my first husband started missing meetings I would have people ask me "how's your hubby doing"...it started to be really irritating so I finally said: "why don't you call him and find out?".
Room 215
So typical of them, codeblue.... JWs are great at the put-down of others under the guise of concern; you know, brother A takes a poke at brother B to brother C.