They're asking about me at area Kingdom Halls!

by TresHappy 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic
    A few days ago, Mom tells me she's visiting a new KH. According to her account, all the pioneer sisters are asking about "me" (we don't remember the name, but your daughter that used to come to meetings.)

    Ya mean to tell me TresHappy you aren't breakin' down the door to get back in?

    Ahhh it's no wonder...........

  • cruzanheart

    Hmph. I always hated those kind of conversations. They're just looking for some good gossip that will help the boring service hours pass more quickly. Ain't it great to be free?


  • kls

    It sounds more like gossip.I remember a long long time ago going out inservice{annoyiny people} and we would chat about people that have not been to meetings.Jws love gossip,it makes them feel better about their own dreary lives. They are trying to get some dirty laundry to tell the elders .If they want mine i will show them in person. kls

  • orangefatcat

    Talk about back stabbing wow! It must have killed your mom, she probably cried later.

    It goes without saying a leopards never change their spots. JWs in particular are so holier than thou I would like to punch them out sometime.

    You know when I use to speak with other witnesses, the ones I liked and the others that got under my skin, I would try and remember is this something I would want to say if Jesus was right beside me. Don't get me wrong I am no saint, but I just wanted to be friends with everyone and in that way they couldn't say terrible things about me. But hey it doesn't work that way because if a person wants to gossip and there is a listener, they will blab their mouths off.

    Love ya


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    PS #2 says "Well, doesn't she know the end is near, what is her contact information so I can talk to her about "the end."

    Somebody's hurting for a Bible study, and thinks that a family member of an active JW will be an easy mark.

    Get caller ID if you don't already have it, and don't answer the door.

  • Sassy

    That last one gets me the most.. I hate judgemental people. Even my mother would begin to talk about this person or that and how they were doing 'spiritually'.. Even when I was a JW I would tell her that she shouldn't be gossiping OR judging people.. Pioneers get that way and it always pissed me off..

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