Gonna go to jail...

by czarofmischief 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • czarofmischief

    ... if the Dean party has its way!

    Gotcha to look at my thread, anyway. Listen to this story, though:

    I was working yesterday - as I have been for much of the past week. I was very tired, and taking my ten minute break, when this short, bearded Jewish fellow sits down across from me. He knows I'm a Republican, a W supporter, etc. In fact, one of his buddies (not to sound like the departed jjizro, but another Jew) called my boss when he overheard my talking (privately to another employee) about the necessity of the Second amendment in American culture. This buddy of his got my boss to "talk" to me (although she just wanted peace).

    Anyhoo, the first Jew sits down and asks if I read any good news. I said, it looks like the Afghans have ratified a constitution. HE says that the good news is that a special investigation has been appointed to look into W's CIA leak, etc. I hadn't heard about that, so I jsut responded with a line that the real good news is that Dean is going to be nominated and flayed alive in November.

    This is where the trouble begins. He starts to get mad at me, saying that W should be in jail and that Karl Rove is going to jail for what he's done. And I said that Clinton had sold ballistics technology to the Chinese, so it's not like the Democrats are the party of the purehearted.

    He called that propoganda - which it might be, but not any more so than the current allegations floating around DC.

    And then when he stood up he said, "People like you should be in jail!" To me!

    And then he said, "That's just like the Communists, inventing conspiracy theories!" To me!

    At which point, because I work in a coffee shop, there was a real live Commie sitting in the corner, and HE shouted "Vive Le Revolucion!"

    And the Jew and the Commie started shouting at each other, and the Jew winds up denouncing me, the redneck Republican, and called me a crook. Then he stormed out.

    The commie and I were, oddly enough, both targets of his wrath, but mostly me. For some reason, he seemed to consider me a communist because I thought W was a decent enough president to merit a second term. And he wanted to jail me for voting for him. Which is a communist tactic.

    Sigh, only in America...

    From the twilight zone of the oppressed barista...


  • SixofNine

    lol, maybe next year at thanksgiving I can listen to a 27 minute version of Czar-ista's Coffeshop instead of Alice's Restaurant!

  • Elsewhere

    He sounds very frustrated... maybe because he is unable to impose his will onto other people in a free society.

    He has the makings of a dictator.

  • Satanus

    Yes, many jewish orgs are anti free speach, except for their speach. Bush and his supporters are more to the fascist pole, than commie. Except for the noecons, jews are usually left leaning. He may be a bit contorted because he is upset w putin for putting one of his buddies in jail - the richest man in russia - jewish.

    SS Ps, if worse got to worse, the aclu wouldn't take your side

  • frenchbabyface
    Gonna go to jail...

    LOL ... CZAR hopefully whoever you will vote for this won't happen !

  • wednesday

    And just think, the election is not until Novemeber! We all have to this for a a long time, maybe indefintely if George W wins.

  • ThiChi

    Keep the faith........you made good counter points.....

  • Yerusalyim

    Hmmmm, you'd think most Jews would support Bush...but to support Dean...who wonders if Osama is really guilty and seems more supportive of the Palestinians than the Israelis...things that make ya go hmmmm.

    Ya know...if the Dems got smart and nominated Leiberman...it'd be a real election in November.

  • sf

    So, why DID Ashcroft excuse himself from 'the case'?

    Any insight there czar?


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    and HE shouted "Vive Le Revolucion!"

    What a jerk. That was probably his best shot. Pathetic....

    So, why DID Ashcroft excuse himself from 'the case'?
    Well, there's a catch-22 .... damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

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