I'll do anything for her except change her smelly diaper, that I'll leave for her mommy and daddy. Grandpa's have to have their limits.
Special K,
It's not the first time I have stole her bottle. She's probably thinking it isn't funny anymore. She left a message in her diaper for me. I handle her off to her mommy one I got her message.
You are getting old. Nathan is now 25, Abe is 21 and in college, and Emery is 18 running Aloha high school.
I hope someday she will appreciate that I got her dad out of the cult and she might share some of her candy with me.
You have several grand kids, I have one. It scares me to think I am almost as old as you. Now I'm depressed.
So far it's pretty easy. Being a dad was not that hard because I have great kids. Being married to my kid's mother was the real chore.