What are the WTBTS's biggest lies?

by outbutnotdown 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • freeman

    The biggest lie they told me is that the Bible study was for free. Unfortunately many of us have discovered too late the enormous costs associated with studying the Bible with these people.

  • freeman

    The biggest lie they told me is that the Bible study was for free. Unfortunately many of us have discovered too late the enormous costs associated with studying the Bible with these people.

  • Dismembered

    WTBS is all knowing on "everything"


  • dustyb

    oh, another one of their biggest lies........the annointed are teh faithful and discreet class. they have roughly 8,000 left. They are supposed to be the ones to provide the "meat in due sesaon", yet only 12 of the annonited do this, which leaves out over 99% of the faithful and discreet slave sitting on their asses doing nohting....

  • lisaBObeesa

    That they won't shun you if you just leave.

    And that everyone who leaves the JWs a) doesn't love God, b) left because they want to smoke, drink and have sex c) was in some way tricked away by sly demons or d) left because they are evil apostates who want to destroy God's Org!! (There are no other reasons for leaving.)

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