So, if Jesus is invisibly present since the last 90 years, what has he been doing all this time?
Jesus' invisible presence
by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends
nobody told me
Jesus has been trying to enlighten the Jw's, but there a stuborn bunch you know.
He's been laughing at the stupid antics of the JWs. You know what it's like when you catch a good program on TV, you don't get any work done.
zen nudist
didn't anyone ever read the emperor's new clothes?
invisible presence, invisible clothing....only the faithful can see him....hahahahahabaaaahbaaaaaaah!!!
If Jesus is present, then he must have already come. So, why do they still celebrate the memorial, since he specifically said to do it until he arrived?
But really, it makes perfect sense. There was an invisible war in heaven, after which Satan and his demons were invisibly cast down to the earth, where they invisibly run the world governments. Jesus, sits invisibly on his invisible throne, but is not yet reigning. He is waiting until he invisibly stands up in kingdom power. So, far he is just invisibly sitting on the invisible throne, which doesn't really count, but sorta does.
The thousand year reign doesn't start until he flicks the switch from invisibly sitting to invisibly standing. And even though he has invisibly arrived, he has not yet "come". Even though he is present, his coming still future.
Got it?
RM you pulled that right out of the insight book didn't you, it's explained so simply any blind idiot can understand it and get other blind people to follow him.
Yes, it's found in the invisible third volume of the insight book.
U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
When Jesus comes back we will know. He aint back yet but im pretty sure He is watching things. The JW thing is a lie cause i aint never read nothing like that in the bible. At the near end of revelation Jesus only mentions that he is coming, he never said he was coming in a invisible sight. When God sends Jesus back to the earth armageddon would come , am i wrong about this? HA i doubt it!
At the near end of revelation Jesus only mentions that he is coming
Specifically, he says he is coming "quickly". I guess he's about as visible as he is quick.
zen nudist
if someone tells you, look, don't fall asleep, I will be right back... and I am coming quickly...
and nearly 2000 years goes by....
well do the math