How about he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him
Not that it even means that sort of thing, but a spanner in their workings anyway
by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends
How about he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him
Not that it even means that sort of thing, but a spanner in their workings anyway
Jesus said a religious book publishing business would predict his return for 1914 and that return would be marked by the start of World War One, except World War One had been starting for four years before that, and even though The Bible says every eye shall see, Jesus said his return would be invisible and not even known to those who predicted it because they were unaware it happened until the inspection was over and Joe Rutherford was let out of prison and tried to paste back in the cut out pages in the Finishes Mystery book and the glue didn't stick. Then he died,
The big surprise to many is that Armageddon actually did start in 1914 and because the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation had bought a bigger building and bought a faster printing press, Jehovah interrupted Armageddon so more literature could be placed and more people could read the truth in the magazines only the magazines changed and the truth changed and it is all due to the building and printing programs so those obviously have Jehovah's blessings otherwise how could they print the same thing in so many languages and the people in the pictures all look so happy and they were all the generation of 1914. Then they died.
We know we have the truth because Jesus and Jehovah are not the same and religion is really not a racket and a snare because 1914 is really just the start of an incremental waiting period and the real date is1975, only we never actually wrote anything about 1975 and only apostates remember anything about 1975 because the faithful are busy building more buildings and contributing to the Worldwide Preaching Work so more faster printing presses can be bought to print more magazines except the subscriptions were all cancelled and now the magazines are only available in laundromats and Kingdom Halls that were built by Jonadabs. Then they died.
Okay, I think I get it. When Jesus said he would be returning, he actually meant that there was going to be a sequel to the bible. He just wanted to leave people in suspense until "The Bible 2" came out.
The Mormons got it right. BTW, I haven't read "The Bible 2: The Book of Mormon". Is it like most sequels and not very good?
Yes, When Jesus said "I am the way", he meant he would appoint a United States book publishing Corporation as His channel but he really meant it is Jehovah's channel since Jesus is really just an Angel who rides a horse and the book publishing company would have a board of directors who he appointed in 1919 except they weren't born yet in 1919 but that doesn't matter since it's called "the truth" so it can't be wrong and the board of directors resigned in 2000 and another board of boards took over running the corporations but they still are the Governing Body except they don't have anything to govern anymore and they used say Millions Now Living Will Never Die but after a few million of them died, they don't say that as much now but it's not a problem because it's still "the truth".
He's been trying to figure out how to get his thumb out of his a$$.
If there is a Jesus, he couldn't have an ass . . . . he's have laughed it off at the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation long ago . . . .