Cranky Canadian Women & A Marriage of Convenience - Wanted ....

by Celtic 68 Replies latest jw friends


    ROFL at all o' youz!!!




    oooooh! ... is it too late to convince you that I'm cranky ...?





    Anyway ... you probably don't wanna come to Canada and disappear into the wilderness like OUTLAW did ...


  • LittleToe


    ...they are "cold lovers"

    Apoplectic, here...
    Maybe you mean South of the border, coz we've gotta keep warm up here in the frozen North, too.

  • mouthy

    Little Toe YOU! are NOT a LIMEY!!!!!! your a Scot!!!! there is a differance .There is NO way you could where those kilts if you were not sexy!!!!!wink

  • Celtic

    Oh my ruddy aunt nora, you lot do give me cause for concern sometimes, mouthy, what on earth are you on? Dearie dearie dearieeee me. I can see I'm going to have to teach you some very British manners and etiquette for a man of my standing, have you been drinking lass, hitting the old G&T? Blimey, I didn't expect those replies, and LadyLee you're just as bad, some training in order before we attend the expat ball.

    Hmmmm I'm completely flummoxed for words, (rare). Gobsmacked.

    I'm caught between two worlds, on the one hand, starting to write a reply, then withdrawing it for fear of not being polite, tostling the choice of words though not wanting to be impertinent also. But it is difficult, I am British afterall.

    Banale country.

    3 Minutes later ...

    Mouthy, I have a solution, do you come with a sensible dowry and any guarantees?

    If so, describe your guarantee and why I should go wild with desire for the idea.

    If you ain't cranky now, you might be soon.

    Kind regards


  • mouthy

    Well I see the resurrection has arrived!!!!!!looks like I have flamosked you my dear boy!!!! See!! when you start threads like this you get alot of "naughty replies" Well if it helps to know> I have paid for my funeral, coffin, & headstone, I have 8 thousand in the insurance & since I am 77 this year I am hoping to kick the bucket soon ---- I noticed you didnt get any other offers????? you could even grease my stairs so I would slip & kick the bucket sooner!!!!lol What am I on???? GERITOL!!!!!!!

  • Celtic

    & Estee darling. The name does it all, you're in there, about neck and neck with the old dear, (local affectionate expression), but you going to have to work on your logo picture, ughhhhhh yuckkkkk dreadful, diabolically sweet and just ughhhhhh, makes one feel like puking, quite dreadful. Unless behind the facade there is this intelligent, charismatic, well, you get the picture.

    Maybe I could just take the pair of you on, 3 in a b ..... whoahhhh, steady on old boy, lets not go there.

    Whos the Lambourghini or Masserotti and whos the old Land Rover / Austin Allegro (All'Agro)?

    Celt (cackles)

  • Celtic

    considers hermitry, throwing his hands in the air with despair, looks towards God, raises a pint glass and ponders on the Old Boy getting me in this pickle in the first place.

    I love you too God.

    Celty sighs and looks as patient as it gets this side of the divide.

    Anyway, cheers God for alcohol, oh and women, old bangers too, and trees are really cool.

    Hmmm you puzzle me up there.


  • mouthy

    old bangers too Was that Me Celtic????/ walks away shaking my head i'm gonna shun Celtic from now on ( wink wink

  • gypsywildone

    Lol@Ya'll & wonmdering if Little Toe does wear a kilt :)

    I've always wanted to marry Auntie Grace off, sos she won't be lonely :)

    A pint for Celtic!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hey Mark Estee is one classy lady and Grace - well Grace is our Mouthy lol

    Now if you're not up to either of these two lovely ladies I've got a mother I'm willing to unload on someone - cranky as they come - believe me. 70 yrears old and apparently already had a stroke so she could be close. Seems she owns a house on a very nice property in Manitoulin Island - as gorgeous a place as you would like - with plenty of trees to keep you busy.

    Might be the only way to wrestle the property away from her before she gives it away to the WTS when she croaks. Care to share?

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