The Bible teaches that there is a redeemer for fallen humans...........
.................but not for the fallen angels.
Why? Any ideas?
Cheers, Ozzie
by ozziepost 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Bible teaches that there is a redeemer for fallen humans...........
.................but not for the fallen angels.
Why? Any ideas?
Cheers, Ozzie
Well first of all Ozzie, you were 4 steps from going onto pade (2) until I "redeemed" your thread
That's a good question I don't know I've ever thought of when I was a christian. I only knew the dub answer and that was "because they were perfect".
Well, as far as the WTS is concerned, it sorta depends on how far back ya go:
True, it doesn't say that Christ served as a ransom for them...does make one wonder how one would get around the Biblical requirement for expiation of those angels' sins.W4/1/40 110
[discussion of 1 Peter 3:19]
It was to those imprisoned spirits that Jesus preached. Noah, ?a preacher of righteousness,? preached to them prior to the flood and they had not heeded his preaching, and for that reason they did not escape imprisonment. Those spirits could not have been killed at that time, because they were alive in Jesus? day; otherwise Jesus could not have preached to them. It is quite certain that those disobedient spirits, ?the sons of God,? are still alive, but under restraint or imprisoned.
Who imprisoned them? There is no reason to conclude that God imprisoned them. Since they were disobedient to God, would He not be the one to imprison them? Not necessarily so. Those angels once in God?s service and organization had fallen to the wiles of the Devil, and God would deliver them up to His enemy Satan and permit the enemy Satan to imprison them. ?Had God imprisoned those disobedient ?spirits? the manifest purpose would have been to restrain them from further disobedience, and this supports the conclusion that God did not restrain them. If Satan is the one who put them in prison his purpose would be to keep them under his control and thus prevent them from returning to God. After the flood came, teaching these disobedient spirits the supreme power of God and vindicating his word and name, such spirit creatures would be restrained by Satan and his wicked allies to prevent them from breaking away. Since those ?sons of God? did not take advantage of God?s long-suffering during the 120 years and hearken to the preaching of righteous Noah, God?s witness, Jehovah would let them go and would give them no protection and did give them no protection in the flood. Their disobedience in disregarding his organization and service would separate them from him, and their fear would bring them into Satan?s snare. (Proverbs 29:25) Thus Satan and his Nephilim bullies would hold these ?sons of God? in restraint or in prison, not permitting them again to return to the Lord God and his service.
Since the purpose of preaching is reformation, if possible, of those who hear, that must have been Jesus? purpose in preaching to these disobedient spirit ?sons of God.? (Romans 10:14, 15)?His preaching to them was by their observing his faithful devotion and consistent holding to God?s organization; which course would in effect say to them: ?If you had remained true and faithful to God?s organization where he placed you, you would at the present time not be in prison and away from God?s favor.? From the prophecy of Ezekiel (38:1, 2) it appears that ?the land of Magog? is the place where the angels that sinned in Noah?s day are imprisoned, especially since they were imprisoned by Satan?
His preaching to them, even indirectly, would imply that there is hope for the deliverance of those imprisoned spirits who take their stand boldly on Jehovah?s side in the day of judgment. What Jehovah has in store for them the Scriptures do not reveal; but if, at the battle of Armageddon, any of them do take a positive and unequivocal stand on His side and gladly leave it to Jehovah where to place them, they may be recovered and return to some place in his universal organization?
But then, for a long time they thought that Adam and Eve would be resurrected too.
So according to Freddie,
....wicked angels who fell, could on their own merit before Armageddon is over, break free from the chains of Satan their gatekeeper, and Jehovah would release them from his prison? Then they could return "somewhere" in his "organisation" .............let's see..........that would obviously be in heaven since they are angels correct? Then Jehovah would 'decide' where to put them.
Poor Freddie had a hard time in writing this piece as to where in the hell he could place these heathen disfellowshipped Angels and not mix them in the crowd with Him and Nathan, and the rest of the do gooder's.
Gumby......(poor ol' freddie should have taken his medication)
My only guess would be that every human has sinned. Whereas most angels have not. Plus angels didn't have offspring who were brought into this situation innocently, angels don't procreate, whereas humans have.
Just my two cents.
My only guess would be that every human has sinned. Whereas most angels have not.
But "these" angels DID sin. Why wouldn't they get the same treatment as humans?
Why wouldn't they get the same treatment as humans?
Because they will die just like Adam and Eve died. These fallen angels didn't have offspring, so there is no need for a ransom, they will have the same fate as Adam and Eve did, everlasting death.
Didn't you read the Watchtower article Craig provided? Freedie had some stuff correct biblically.
So you are saying god let adam live about an extra 900 years untill sin took him overand he died, but god is letting these angels live a whole lot longer than Adam and Eve, about 4000 years, and then one day he'll just kill them all?
* gumby realises now why he has trouble with the bible*
everlasting death
I know this is an expression oft repeated by dubs, but did you ever stop to think what it means?
So what does it mean?
So you are saying god let adam live about an extra 900 years untill sin took him overand he died, but god is letting these angels live a whole lot longer than Adam and Eve, about 4000 years, and then one day he'll just kill them all?
I'm not saying this actually happend or that I agree with it. This is just the only explanation out there.
Of course jw's would say that the "fallen angels" have lived so much longer to test us poor humans and provide us this "wonderful" oppurtunity to prove the devil a liar.