We used to have a Circuit Overseer say, "As it were". I then started noticing the Society using this irritating phrase too. "The Truth" is #1, though.
What's your favorite JW word or phrase?
by Sara Annie 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
that the field service report is your "spiritual barometer" what a bunch of Dickheads!
"Street Work" (OMG I was a male prostitute?)
"Jehovah's clean people"............lol...........finding out how really living in a fairy tale world that phrase was!
The scripture somewhere in Psalms........."trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not lean upon your own understanding". Sorry, trusting in "Jehovah" put me in prison for twenty-five years, when if I had only listened to my own understanding, my gut, my higher self, I would have been history before I ever got baptized at eighteen years old.
Funny Thread
I thought it was kind of hilarious when elders would plead with sisters to marry only in the lord. Rightfully did they have that choice? Knowing that sisters where indeed the large army? Go to any assembly and there would be like ten sisters to every one brother. Geez get real. I really despised the elder who promptly told me to wait on Jehovah and not receive psychological counseling, when I was diagnosed as clinically depressed. Was I supposed to snap out of my depression with that suggestion. I really wanted to tell him to go to hell!
Where shall I start?
Yeru, I too get immensely irritated with the word "ones"--as in "weak ones", "lowly ones", "interested ones".....and on and so on. Oh, and can't forget "such ones". What is UP with this and why are they the only ones (oops) who use this?!? It drives me insane.
Some more of my "faves":
"The Publications"--always spoken with emphasis on the caps.
"The Literature"--always spoken of in the same manner.
"Would it not....?"--a special irritant of mine
"The School Brochure" and "Young People Ask"--the bane of my adolescent existence.
"Wise Christians....."--any sentence beginning with this means yet another restriction on something that's fun.
"Place, Placed, Placing"--who else but a JW "places"?
"Debasing Music"
"Wise Spiritual Counsel"
"Demon Influence"
Looking through all these, I see a pattern, but first two observations:
1) The WTS went to the trouble of coming up with the NWT so that we wouldn’t have to use the "outmoded" & "stilted" English style of Shakespearean times.
2) The WTS put a curse on higher education, where you pick up all those "stilted" words, terms and phrases.
So, how did they foster what is probably the worlds largest collection of users of OUTMODED AND STILTED ENGLISH STYLE???
I remember a Bro once saying that mental illness was just an extreme example of the sick and degraded condition mankind had come to be in. Of course "only jehovah can judge those with mental illness". Forget helping those who are il, let them roam the streets, while we are all safe and warm , and don't let your conscience bother u, b/c u did pass ofthe rags this month. Jehovah will judge and take care of this in his own due tiem.
I remember how the "truth is such a protection for us" time and time again. It seems most of the elders kids didnt listen to the counsel as they got in more trouble than anyone else it seemed.