Did the "Society:" make a mistake?

by fearnotruth22 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    What of part NO is it that you don't understand? Kidding aside, it all depended on the type of overseers or elders you had. Some where more rigid than others. I've known and met all types, especially the very lenient ones. These brothers were not pushy not dictatorial, it was a pleasure to be amongest them, mind you, they were in the minority.

    Guest 77

  • wannaexit
    As for the WTS making mistakes, I think they ARE a mistake. If we learn from our mistakes then the time was not all wasted.

    But the WTS never learns from their mistakes. They just repeat them over and over.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I remember the chess one. At 4 my youngest daughter could beat most adults at a game of chess. Then they told us it was a war game and since my elder husband had to be an example to others we tossed the chess set.

    In our house even Monopoly was banned because it advocated materialism

    Cards was gambling and competitiveness

    How sad.

  • Dismembered

    All they (Jdubs), are supposed to do is sell their belongings, and get that "life savin'" Watchtower in the hands of the masses, den d end will come.


  • Poztate

    There is never any such thing as a mistake,only"New Light"

  • alias
    Like Rutherford's book "Children" said in 1941, it would be wise to put off having children until the New Order soon to come. Yes, in the MONTHS remaining before Armageddon, Christians would be wise to serve the Watchtower's interests by pioneering rather than marrying and bearing children.


    I've heard some other comments regarding that book. Do you have your own copy of it? Is available online that you know of? (scans or text)

  • kj


    I've seen that book on ebay quite a few times, at a pretty reasonable price. Check it out.


  • oredigger

    I know ,....a little off topic, It was actually the Crusaders that returned home with the Persian game of Chess, essentially a board game depicting battle between two kingdoms,leading to the capture or death of either King(the modern "checkmate" is a corruption of the Persian "Shakh Mat!" which translates , "the King Is Dead!) Pawns represented foot spearmen,moving one step at a time ,except for the opening move where they can move two squares, keeping with the military tactic of the day in which the spearmen ran out to make a bristling picket in front of the host. The Rook was originally an elephant with a fortified chamber or "castle" on its back,the Elephant moved strong and steady but only in a straight line. Next came the Cavalryman,whom the Crusaders dubbed the Knight.He galloped,moving two squares one direction and one to the side. Next came the Navy , represented by a ship,which could only advance by tacking,so the ship only moved on the diagonal. In the center is the King,burdened with his household,administrative staff and most importantly his wealth.he would need to take this with him to the battlefield as its only means of protection, his movements being slow and restricted ,he can only move one space at a time:) The Queen on the other hand was guarded by swift light cavalry could move in any direction as far and as fast as was needed. The point to this long ramble is the fact that it become so intolerable to the Church at that time that there was a popular game, that pitted nation against nation with no role for the church.Only a position next to the royal family would do , so the ships became Bishops. The church at that time considered themselves to be the ultimate source of power. The WBTS perceives themselves to be in the same position, dictating to the rank and file the way they need to love , live,and work, intruding into even the most private aspects of their lives if allowed. Life is like a game of chess, but the real name of the game is control and power.

  • onacruse

    You are all missing the point:

    w5/1/31 135

    But there is no such a thing as individual liberty when it comes to doing the work of the Lord. He has just one way, and that is the right way, and anyone who does not want to walk in that way does violence to his own interests. The lawless are therefore quickly gathered out by the angel of the Lord. The individual creatures making up the remnant class make mistakes, but that does not mean that the organization is wrong.

    One recently wrote: ?Because of what is appearing in The Watch Tower I unhesitatingly sever my connection with the Society.? Let us suppose that The Watch Tower publishes something that is improper. That would be no excuse or justification for anyone who loves the Lord to leave his organization.

    There are only 2 rules that matter:

    1. The Society is never wrong;

    2. When the Society is wrong, refer to rule #1.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    There are only 2 rules that matter:

    1. The Society is never wrong;

    2. When the Society is wrong, refer to rule #1.


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