..."Walking With God." Why not call it "Walking With God After We Just Gave Him Glory"?
2004 district convention theme is...
by brianhenke 35 Replies latest jw friends
Or why not call it "Walking with God after our child commited suicide because we shunned her"
Did you ever see "Drop-Dead Gorgeous"? It's a mockumentary about this beauty pagent in Wisconsin (if I remember correctly) and the coordinator always chooses these wonderful themes: one year it's "Proud to Be An American", the next it's "100% American", then "All American" - you get the picture. Reminds me of the convention themes!
got my forty homey?
Walking with God or Lets go hiking in Afghanistan with Helen Keller!
more like 'Walking with Gog'
"Walking with Ball and Chain"
"Get Your Butt Out in the Ministry More, or God won't walk with you"
Walking With
Godthe WTS, the Society, the FDS, the GB(notice the lack of Jehovah or Jesus in the titles, note that in 1978 "district/international assemblies became conventions)
1969 "Peace on Earth" International Assembly
1970 "Men of Goodwill" District Assembly
1971 "Divine Name" District Assembly
1972 "Divine Rulership" District Assembly
1973 "Divine Victory" International Assembly
1974 "Divine Purpose" District Assembly
1975 "Divine Sovereignty" District Assembly
1976 "Sacred Service" District Assembly
1977 "Joyful Workers" District Assembly
1978 "Victorious Faith" International Convention
1979 "Living Hope" District Convention
1980 "Divine Love" District Convention
1981 "Kingdom Loyalty" District Convention
1982 "Kingdom Truth" District Convention
1983 "Kingdom Unity" District Convention
1984 "Kingdom Increase" District Convention
1985 "Integrity Keepers" District Convention
1986 "Divine Peace" District Convention
1987 "Trust in Jehovah" District Convention
1988 "Divine Justice" District Convention
1989 "Godly Devotion" District Convention
1990 "Pure Language" District Convention
1991 "Lovers of Freedom" District Convention
1992 "Light Bearers" District Convention
1993 "Divine Teaching" District Convention
1994 "Godly Fear" District Convention
1995 "Joyful Praisers" District Convention
1996 "Messengers of Godly Peace" District Convention
1997 "Faith in God's Word" District Convention
1998 "God's Way of Life" District Convention
1999 "God's Prophetic Word" District Convention
2000 "Doers of God's Word" District Convention
2001 "Teachers of God's Word" District Convention -
""Walking with Ball and Chain"
LOL@Noumenon! Ain't that the honest to gawd truth! That heavy faux paus leather service-book-bag hanging off my right shoulder for hours at a time felt like a dang ball and chain... gave me bursitis or some such royally divine pain long before my old age... lol. Of course I was the obsessed perfectionistic JW- do-gooder who wanted to have three months' worth of mags/brochures/booklets/books with me in the bag so I could be ever 'ready to give to those who asked of me, the reason (and a book/mag/brochure/booklet) for the hope in me..." ;-)
Love that list, blondie! I see all 10 of the ones I attended, yet didn't realize I had forgotten them all until I saw them again in the list. "Deeevine" certainly permeates the themes again and again...
Did you say "Walking the Dog"?
You can see Watchtower history in the assembly/convention themes:
1976 "Sacred Service" District Assembly
1977 "Joyful Workers" District Assembly
1978 "Victorious Faith" International Convention
1979 "Living Hope" District Convention
1980 "Divine Love" District ConventionIn the years following the 1975 debacle. The emphasis shifted to doing good works, having faith a love. This is when as one CO explained when the Society went "wishy-washy" when he explained "cleaning the gutters of someone's house was regarded as sacred service." During that period the society softened its stance on DF'd ones
1981 "Kingdom Loyalty" District Convention
1982 "Kingdom Truth" District Convention
1983 "Kingdom Unity" District ConventionThen the changes occurred and being loyal to the Watchtower was the big thing, they had the truth and everyone should be united. A lot of the good things the Watchtower introduced were reversed and we could no longer help change the tire on a DF'd perons' car in the KH parking lot.
1986 "Divine Peace" District Convention
It was the International Year of Peace so we better get ready for Armageddon which is coming real soon now.1997 "Faith in God's Word" District Convention
After 1995 and the end of "the Generation" everyone better have in God's Word. Apparently, the Creator's Promise as quoted in the Awake did not prove to be faithful.3rd