Princess did it!!!

by Mulan 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    Congrats, Princess!

    That is really outstanding!!!

    26 miles... you should be proud!

    Rest up and we'll see you soon.

  • czarofmischief

    That... is... so... HOT!

    yowza... female athletes are so HOT!


  • Mulan

    BTTT for Monday!!

  • Princess

    Wow, thanks!

    It was really a lot of fun actually. It was the inaugural race of the PF Chang's Rock and Roll Arizona Marathon and half Marathon, so it was pretty cool running my first marathon in the inaugural event. 29,282 registered * * * 24,031 started * * * 9,882 finished the full marathon and 13,926 finished the half. It was amazing to look behind and see nothing but runners, oh yeah, nothing but runners in front of me too.

    I knew my family was waiting for me at mile 15 in front of our hotel. We had pre-arranged they would be under an overpass so when I saw that overpass a mile or so ahead of me I was pretty excited. There were people lining the whole coarse cheering and holding up signs, that was really cool. There was a band every mile and a cheer squad every 1 1/2 to two miles. Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tempe were obviously very jazzed to be having this event in their cities and it showed by their support. It was awesome.

    I'm trying not to be disappointed in my time. My knees just failed me by 15 miles. I finally got them wrapped around mile 19 and literally ran until they buckled then walked until they stretched a bit then I ran some more. By mile 23-24 the Tylenol they gave me kicked in and I was determined to finish the marathon running so I ran the rest of the way. I was on track for a four hour finish so my time is disappointing. I haven't seen the results yet but it should be around 4:40-4:45.

    When I saw my family near the finish I just burst into tears. My kids just took off running and we crossed the line holding hands. That got me a lot of cheers at the finish line. The kids should be in my finish line photo and I made sure they were in the final photo I had taken afterward.

    Now did this amazing feat take place AFTER you removed your navel ring, thus aligning your body with the planets (or whatever)?

    Yep, took it out and still had major problems! I'm going to put it back in in a few minutes!

    Thanks again,


  • Valis

    woot woot! Way to go Princess!


    District Overbeer

  • Carmel

    Good on ya Princess! My daughter does marathons with the Oregon St. Police force (married to the mob) and holds her own. Husband is imbarrassed that she beats him!! Keep it up!


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