The "condemnation" work is not a new WT concept but has been around for some time. Basically, the WTS teaches that after the GT starts, there will no longer be a message of coming into the organization and be safe (as a group as the WTS qualifies). Then it will be only a "judgment" message. May 2020 WT p. 15 "Sometime after the start of the great tribulation, “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” will form a coalition of nations. (Rev. 16:13, 14; 19:19) That coalition becomes what the Scriptures call “Gog of the land of Magog.” (Ezek. 38:2) That coalition of nations will make one final all-out assault on God’s people. What will provoke the attack? Speaking of this time, the apostle John saw a storm of unusually large hailstones raining down on God’s enemies. That symbolic hailstorm may take the form of a hard-hitting judgment message delivered by Jehovah’s people. It could be that this message provokes Gog of Magog into attacking God’s people with the intention of wiping them off the earth.​—Rev. 16:21. October 2019 WT p.16During the great tribulation, the message that we proclaim will likely change. Currently, we are preaching the good news of the Kingdom and we are endeavoring to make disciples. But at that time, we may well deliver a message as hard-hitting as hailstones. (Rev. 16:21) We may proclaim the impending doom of Satan’s world. In time, we will find out exactly what our message will be and how we will deliver it. Will we use the same methods we have used for over a hundred years to accomplish our ministry? Or will we use some other methods? We will have to wait and see. In any case, it seems that we will have the privilege of boldly proclaiming Jehovah’s judgment message!​—Ezek. 2:3-5.
Leaked. Nov 6th Secret Boxes
by Beth Sarim 63 Replies latest jw friends
likely change.
Not saying much. Want people to conclude that it will change without knowing anything, so it is only a guess. Who knows?
Beth Sarim
Should the Borg come up with a directive, or some stupid direction, here is the thing.
It can only happen one time. That's it, there's no going back. If the Borg demands iits adherents( victims) to do something like go someplace and give everything up, they can't go back. Thats's it. That's the conundrum the Borg will put itself into.
I'm sure this is what a sticking point the Borg has come against. Very tough spot,
Did I miss something?
Wasn't the product unveiled by Mark Sanderson called 'Love People Make Disciples'
and not 'Love Jehovah make Disciples' as had been leaked?
Blondie, the judgement message, the hailstones thing has been effectively nullified by the recent announcement that outsiders might still be saved at the last minute, or at least that's this outsider's understanding. Was the hailstones message some sort of fallback position that was always in the GB's quiver that the R&F expected them to one day use? If so, where to from here and what do they have left?
Blondie, the judgement message, the hailstones thing has been effectively nullified by the recent announcement that outsiders might still be saved at the last minute, or at least that's this outsider's understanding.
I don't see that at all. Remember the story of Jonah: He was told to go to Nineveh to warn them they will be destroyed. He did it (eventually). They all repented. God withdrew the threat of destruction.
Ok, so there wouldn't be a total repentance at the end, so the destruction would not be stopped completely, but it could still be that a warning message could be given that Armageddon is imminent, but some at the last minute would 'repent' and survive. Yes, it would mean that the 'hailstone' message would have to be "Last chance now or you're getting it!" (or something like that) rather than "Time's up! You're all getting now!" (which they've taught until now), but the basics could still stay the same.
I'm not saying what the GB are saying is correct, just that it doesn't necessarily change the idea of giving a judgement message before the destruction at Armageddon.
I suppose they will also parallel it with Noah's day (as Jesus hinted the same) - right up until the moment the doors closed and rain began to fall, anyone could've said "Ok, you've sold me on this" and got on board. Likewise, right up until the destruction is about to start, anyone could still change their mind. And we don't know how long this supposed 'warning' period would be. Logically, it wouldn't last long, because God would have already gathered the 'bride' and also determined that few if any were left on earth who would repent, but it would still need to take a bit of time in order for people to realise what is about to happen and the full consequences of what is coming to sink in (since the Bible says: "they will have to know..." etc). The Bible talks about visible signs and events at the end which will shake the people and make them panic. So maybe a few weeks? A couple of months?
Yes, it would mean that the 'hailstone' message would have to be "Last chance now or you're getting it!" (or something like that) rather than "Time's up! You're all getting now!" (which they've taught until now), but the basics could still stay the same.
Actually, I've re-thought that. It doesn't even have to change. In fact, it would be a more powerful motivator for those who are 'genuinely repentant' if the message really was "You've had it now!"
Saying "This is the last chance" is like crying wolf. People would (rightly) say: "Yeah, right, You've been saying that for years!"
But a truly 'final' sounding message would be more likely to move to action. How many times have we been intending to do something but put it off when we know we have another day/week/whatever to go? But when we know it's absolutely the bottom line, we get on with it. Like having a court order for paying a bill - pay now or go to jail!
Journeyman, your suggestion isn't outside the realms of possibility. The GB may actually inching towards a "final message". You rightly point out the short term advantages of such a move.
I just don't see the current GB having the cojones to drop the big one like that. Even the giants of the old guard very quickly learnt the lesson of failed anticipation and quickly tired of whipping up short term end times enthusiasm.
I just don't see the current GB having the cojones to drop the big one like that.
I agree. It would be a surprising move, and would have to be because either 1) they really are "true believers" and are getting worked up by world events to think "zero hour" is nearly here, or 2) they feel totally desperate and backed into a corner.
I didn't mean to imply I think they will do that (and especially not yet), just that it could still be part of the beliefs for future events without contradicting the idea of God saving people at the last minute.
Back on the theme of this thread specifically - just over a week now until we find out what the reaction is in the congregations to the "exciting secret"!
There will probably be a distinct feeling of anti-climax. TBH, most of the publishers I know are not even aware of, or particularly anticipating, this release. They are more interested in the changes to reporting, so they're waiting for the next broadcast to hear the explanation behind that. Only a few elders and regular pioneers are talking excitedly about Nov 6th for the "unboxing".
Waiting for November the 6th with bated breath! 🙄 Is there any likelihood that any of it could actually be a surprise and hasn't already been leaked?