Why Should I

by hippikon 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • hippikon

    Dear friends.

    I am at a turning point. Why should I resist the “Borg”? Why should I dedicate a sizeable portion of my life to shooting down religious bigots? Most are in the “Borg” because they want to be. I personaly think it is great sport to kick the crutches from under these emotionally crippled social outcasts but is it good? Some of these people have nothing else in their lives apart from the “troof” and couldn’t function as normal human beings without it. (as is evident by the behaviour of some on this board)So why be cruel to them. Even to my own brother. I wouldn’t try to tip him out, as it would devastate his family (although it would be an easy task).

    Now that I consider myself out and free, they are doing no harm to me. I am not Defd or DA’d so not shunned. (Not that it would make any difference). I have to ask my self why bother expending energy to resist them. The resistance appears to be unorganised and populated by quite a few crackpots, egotists, and social rejects. (No names mentioned so if you take offence you are applying the label to yourself). Not the kind I would choose to rub shoulders with. On the other hand many fill me with admiration and deserve medals for their efforts.

    To date my resistance has been largely subtle and motivated by the hurt and sense of betrayal. It would give me great satisfaction to shoot them down but I could be doing better things with my life. This may sound selfish but I am still happy to help on a personal level anyone who requests it.

    .Looking for some good reasons (besides hate and revenge) to actively resist the borg..

    note: edited to correct spelling - thanks gopher

    "But it does move"

  • Gopher


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. (You'd been a bit quiet lately.) You start by mentioning a "turning point". What options are you considering?

    As far as "shooting down" and "resisting" the organization and/or its members, I think we're doing that from afar in this forum. I was glad to see your comment "I am still happy to help on a personal level anyone who requests it". I think that is the most important function on the board, that is, to help people with all the overwhelming feelings and emotions that coming with leaving and with dealing with the past.

    I too know it would be unwise to center my life on my participation in a discussion board. But I find great solace in the empathy and love shown by the majority of this discussion community. Sure it isn't perfect, little mini-wars break out amongst people of various stripes, but then things calm down and the board heals itself, going back to performing its function for those who choose to participate here.

    Look forward to your answers, and always good to see you out here!

    Gopher, enjoying the fresh air

  • Uncanny


    Greetings from the cold, wet and windy, wintry Adelaide Hills. It's great writing weather, but has turned so bad this morning it marks the first one where I have not been able to put my pet galah - a very spoilt, but loveable wild bird - outside in the elements. His little pink and grey feathered friends and relatives didn't even turn up for a free feed today... Sorry, I'm way off topic, and that's not like me.

    Gopher made some good points regarding your post. What interested me most concerns not those doubts you say you are having about continuing to offer "resistance" to the BORG, but how you say you're not disfellowshipped or disassociated; "... so not shunned. Not that it would make any difference."

    If that is the case, then why do you continue to have your name listed on the books as one Jehovah's Witnesses at their Ingleburn Bethel? Surely the greatest part of being a resistor of the Watchtower Society, morally and legally, must be the removal of any formal ties with this great religious sham. I can understand others who have friends and family still inside and are therfeore remain reluctant to leave themselves for fear of losing loved ones forever.

    But if you're really at a turning point, then why not complete your resistance by formalising your split from JayDubdom. Now I don't know the full story, or indeed what your motives are - in a way they are not any of my business - but you requested comments, so that's my

    Life Is Too Short To Drink Bad Wine Class.

  • hippikon

    Uncanny : A little background.

    Up until now I have resisted from the inside. It has given me a sense of power to go to the meetings as an “unmasked apostate”. To “come out” would reduce my power base. At the moment I can speak freely to anyone and as long as I don’t directly challenge the “Princes for righteousness’ I can virtually say what I like. Ask the questions to which there are no answers. Example Last week one of the “princes” came on his sheep herding call. His hands were trembling by the time he left. All I did was ask about truthfulness and the deliberate misinterpretation of questions coupled with the meaning of “Jehovah’s name” and reliability of the promises etc etc etc. I enjoyed it immensely. It was quite a rush to see him shaking but what did it really achieve. He was obviously too stupid to take it to heart. I think it comes down to the position that they believe it because they want to. And while they want to they will come up with justifications to support their [belief system / want system].

  • GinnyTosken

    Dear Hippikon,

    When I first discovered the truth about the “troof,” I felt a duty to share that good news as actively as I once had shared what I’d learned as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I was a true believer in a new cause, and I would be the Moses in my family, leading my parents and sisters out of an organization that rules by fear, guilt, and lies.

    I slowly came to realize that when people are ready for this sort of information, they will look for it or ask questions. I thought back over my own experience of coming out and realized it happened very slowly over a period spanning more than fifteen years. When I was ready to face the answers to my hard questions, I did.

    I also came to realize that I do not want the rest of my life to be a reaction to having once been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. If I do that, they have as much control over me as they ever did while I was in. There are many people, religions, and organizations that hurt people by coercion, propaganda, and unethical influence. Toppling the Tower is too narrow a focus for me. Instead I would rather help people educate themselves so they are able to make informed choices.

    Still, I am especially sensitive to and interested in Jehovah’s Witness issues. I see exposing the Watchtower Society for what it is as part of helping people make informed choices.
    I can’t help but think of a quote from Les Sectes en France:

    Several speakers for the Commission highlighted this paradox: What is odd about cults is that, particularly during the process leading to membership, the victim is an actor [‘actor’ in the literal sense of one who acts, one who does, is not a passive victim]. A certain parallel can be established with the stages of drug addicts: "We have controversies with parents of drug addicts. These parents think—and in a way, they’re right--that without the horrible dealer their child would be an angel. They forget the nine tenths of the way that the unfortunate child traversed, responsibly or not, but of his own will, to go into the arms of the aforesaid dealer. One should not forget the voluntary share of the follower, who is not an imbecile that one would manipulate--it is you and me--, but (...) who went deliberately." In this light, the cult recruiters could be regarded as "dealers of transcendence." In this respect, an analogy used by a person heard by the Commission seems to clearly illustrate the conscious character of the steps of the future follower: "Cults are not a net that falls down on people, but a lobster trap into which they swim."

    [rough translation mine]

    Not being familiar with lobster traps, I looked them up: http://www.stfx.ca/people/gbayesp/lobstertrap.htm

    I found that “Every trap has one or more funnel-shape openings fashioned from twine, which allow the lobster to enter the trap but prevent it from escaping.

    After coming out, it is easy to assume the victim role and to think that if we just stop this horrible organization, all will be well. I think the organization does much harm, but I try to remember that I was not a completely passive victim. I was an idealist who wanted to believe in a future utopia at any cost. I was afraid to let go of this belief, afraid that I would drift out into an ocean of despair. While I pity those who have chosen to stay inside the lobster trap, I also understand their fear and need for security.

    I don’t want to kick the crutches out from under anyone. I feel free to discuss and debate on this discussion board because I feel that anyone who comes here has made a choice to listen to many diverse opinions and ideas. On the other hand, my father still believes that the Jehovah’s Witnesses have the truth, and I do not push information on him. If he asks, I will tell what I know. In the meantime, I encourage him to think for himself about other less sensitive subjects. My hope is that these skills will carry over into his JW life.

    Each person has to decide how best to use his time. Sometimes I feel like debating with bigots; other times it feels like a complete waste of time. It’s hard to know when a little something you say or share affects someone’s life. I do what I can, trying to make the best use of what I have to offer. I hope you find a way to make a difference that is satisfying for you, Hippikon.


  • Scorpion


    Right on post!

  • larc

    I have thought about this subject and my wife and I have talked about it many times. I would love to tell my sister what I know and bring her and her husband out. However, I know that my sister is very closed minded. We converse on a regular basis and we have agreed to disagree. We do not talk about our diffences. My wife and I have concluded that if she ever decides to venture into ideas outside of her present beliefs she knows who to talk to - her brother. Until then, I just have to wait.

    I think we can do a lot of preventative medicine, that is, educate those who are attracted to the Witnesses, but have not been drawn in yet.



    People leave when they are ready. There is no need to fall out with your brother. By letting him be, he will see more of you and give you the opportunity to demomstrate that you have not grown two heads or turned bad. No need to be a gladiator over this.

  • JanH
    I don’t want to kick the crutches out from under anyone.

    Oh, I only do that on the top of stairs.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • Francois


    Great post that.

    And you're right in that there's a lot more to life than being an "ex" anything.

    On the other hand, I actively if reluctantly helped people into the Borg once upon a time. I feel now it's more than a little appropriate for me to: 1) warn people about this dangerous cult, and 2) help those who want to get out to do so, and to do so with as little damage to themselves as possible.

    I can't find any ethical reason that would allow me to take the attitude that these folk got themselves into this mess and I owe then nothing. It would be like setting a leg hold trap and then taking the attitude that anyone caught in it had done it to themselves. Sort of.

    Also, I've met lots of nice people here on this board, people who can empathize with my own anger and hurt. And there's quite a bit of humor on this site, too. And ya gotta admit that people who were once in the Borg and who had the good sense to get out constitute an impressive bunch in general. These people proved that they are usually several notches above the average Borgite in intellectual capacity. They have sensitive bullshit detectors. They are independant thinkers in addition to being more intelligent than the cattle who stay in the Borg. Virtually everyone here has a non-standard sense of humor and when they "meet" here for humor purposes, boy do the sparks fly!

    In short, the folk here represent a group of 'way above average people. I wouldn't want to take us on in any debate.

    I mean it just makes sense that God (as opposed to Jehovah) would certainly want to destroy an ill-motivated, evil, wicked, mean, bad and nasty bunch like us.


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