venting: My wife is the most dangerous kind of JW

by goingthruthemotions 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goingthruthemotions

    I need to vent again here. Because i have no one else to talk with and no one who really understands except for the people here.

    My wife is the most dangerous kind of JW. she believes everything they teach and i mean everything without question and will follow what they teach without question. even to the point of taking a pill if instructed.

    of course she has the right to believe what she wants.....i tell her to all i ever ask is for her to think critically about what she is being taught. she says she does...but you and i know if she did. i would not be posting on this sub.

    this moring during a conversation she made a comment about death...easy come easy go. I believe she has no value for life and I believe she is a heartless person and she only has any kind of care for people in her cult.

    i hate this cult with every once of being. thank god my kids want nothing to do with it..

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  • Ding

    When a JW tells me they engage in critical thinking, I ask, "Great! Tell me one thing the WT organization currently teaches that you disagree with."


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  • tiki

    Sad...just endeavor to be her rock of normalcy. No trying to reason or convince...just be stable and normal. Involve her in interesting relaxing activities......your love can conquer the crazy.

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  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Good point Ding

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  • OnTheWayOut

    I am happy your kids are free. I cannot wake my wife up, but she seems to make what Watchtower teaches less and less important in her life. She thinks about retirement in less than a decade, not about the end of the world.

    It's possible your wife just wants to wake up in Paradise. Sorry to read that.

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  • TD

    The JW faith attracts people who are inherently unhappy. -Hence the shockingly cavalier attitude towards death.

    Nothing will change vis-à-vis the JW faith until that underlying unhappiness is remedied.

    I don't mean to sound flippant here and apologize if it sounds that way.

    This isn't easy. It took me nearly forty years, so I'm not exactly what you would call a genius when it comes to this stuff (What man is?)

    My wife threw her JW literature away when her life outside the "Kingdom Hall" became more pleasant and more rewarding than her life inside it.

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  • LongHairGal


    I don’t know your age but I know older Witnesses who are tired of things and wish they were in that ‘paradise’. So, this attitude is common among certain JWs. However, I have also heard of JWs who hoped Armageddon would never come. They wanted to live out their life in this system.

    Some JWs hoping like hell for paradise have moved to locations on the globe that resemble the paradise they wish they were in..I believe it’s in part because they are afraid they won’t live to see the fulfillment of their belief (or maybe suspect it’s not true??)..They want to be in as ‘paradise like’ a place NOW... I think its also to immerse themselves in preaching work under more laidback conditions and maybe are not so much fixated on the clock and how old they are getting. Just my opinion.

    I am sorry about your wife and her unhealthy attitude towards death. I hope things improve.

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  • stillin

    My wife would never say a word that might seem to oppose the WT. She is disappointed in the people. For that reason, I don't think she would ever "report" me for anything to the elders. She knows that they won't handle things like she would expect God-loving men to do. I am not taking advantage of that and I'm hoping that she will arrive at the logical conclusion of why these people don't seem to be following "the perfect Law."

    My disappointment is with the God, not so much the people.

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  • hybridous

    thank god my kids want nothing to do with it..

    This is something to be eminently grateful for.

    Of course you know that your wife, like almost all JWs, cannot/will not be won over via a full frontal assault on the church/belief system.

    As much as their bullshit deserves it, and as much as it might temporarily gratify you to bring it, it will not serve your goals. Please resist those impulses.

    There are folks here who ultimately attained (to some extent) that which you seek - the extraction of devoutly immersed family members. When this has been accomplished, it has been after a long campaign of tolerant, but consistent, undermining of the JW paradigm. Maybe some of those folks here can talk to you more pointedly about their journey.

    Only you can know your situation, and what is best for you.

    I need to vent again here. Because i have no one else to talk with and no one who really understands except for the people here.

    Yes!! Though there is sometimes no easy solutions to these entrenched problems, this message board offers a tremendous relief, in that we are people who thoroughly know the peculiarities of the difficulties the nasty CULT offers life.

    Come back here often, just to vent; find some relief. Many of us here are working through similar difficulties w/ relatives. Keep your cool - and keep us posted on your situation.

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  • Zilgee

    Buy a nice book on marriage and keep reading in front of her but don't tell her anything. Take her out on weekends so that she spends less time with the cult.

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