Fistfights at the KH/ assembly hall.

by avishai 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    Angharad, I want to hear more of that sister who slapped the elder!!!

  • Euphemism

    ROFL, descender!

  • Siddhashunyata

    Descender, I'm still laughing....... thanks.

  • Angharad

    Angharad, I want to hear more of that sister who slapped the elder!!!

    I'm not sure what exactly it was over but the sister was really angry with the elder about something and was getting louder and louder, I think he was trying to calm her down as they were right at the front of the hall and she slapped him ! After she said that he had made a pass at her !! (yeah right your sat at the front of the hall !)

    The sister was a bit irrrational and had fell out with quite a few in the hall at various times.

    Anyway it was all highly entertaining at the time


    He is 1/4 Irish, hmmm......
    This sister was Irish too, maybe we're onto something (Joke)
  • avishai

    No similar stories here. From a very young age I thought violence was the weakest demonstration of power/confidence. Not that I thought my viewpoint was necessarily any better...... I was guilty of arrogantly condemning violent people. HOWEVER, I do think we should be as civil as possible at all times.

    Sounds like anger was rampant in your family/network of friends. How are you dealing with that yourself now?


    Ya know, I just came across this, and although it's an old post, I feel like i should respond. It looks like the arrogant condemnation is still going on. I'm dealing with it just fine, I have'nt "assaulted" anyone since fifth grade. As a matter of fact, I have worked in several fields that require ENORMOUS amounts of self restraint. And been successful. For instance, I have worked in group homes with violent developmentally disabled people, and later violent emotionally disturbed kids. And been seriously injured, as a matter of fact, I'm on disability due to one, or a collective amt. of these assaults. Also, due to my training in this field, I've worked as a bouncer at concert venues, had to take shots in the mosh pit to deal with folks, also been swung on, kicked, spit on, etc., and always reacted calmly. Anger was NOT rampant in my immediate family/circle of friends. That is a HUGE assumption to make. So.... If you mess w/ me, likely the worst that will happen is I will restrain you and talk to you. Nothing more.

  • greendawn

    True, physical violence is an immature and regressive way of settling scores and one wonders how the supposedly civilised and spiritual JWs could resort to this kind of behaviour.

  • wunce_wuz

    When I was at Bethel there was the occasional, but rare, settling of scores, which took place in the Squibb building...

    ...Then there was the one morning at the next table over that a guy who was known to have a short fuse, his wife had a black eye...

  • 144001


    I'm glad you started this thread. I've always found it humorous to reflect on some of the ways I and several other exploited children of the Watchtower vented the anger that resulted from our exposure to this cult. I remember getting in several fistfights that pitted myself and two other friends against a rival faction of boys within the congregation. The fights took place right in front of the hall, and, looking back, I laugh thinking about what passers by must have thought of Jehovah's Witnesses when they saw us fighing in front of the hall.

    Other than recently shoving someone rather violently who chose to invade my personal space (i.e., he got within 2 inches of my face and was shouting), I haven't been involved in fisticuffs since college. I find that my mind is a much more effective weapon for resolving disputes than my fists.

  • heathen

    LMAO@descender ---- I actually read all that . jeezus that was cruel .

  • Panda

    Please don't hate me for this BUT I have always considered violence an essential component in human evolution. If you didn't get angry and "do something about it" our species would have died out. And our selfish genes require us to puff up and growl. I never saw a KH fight, and yah'll are having all the fun.

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