This is so true, although I was married to an unbeliever, so some of this was not a problem for me. The other thing was, I am so dammmed independent I always looked those elders smack in the eye no matter what. For that act I found that they were always watching me ready for me to do something. I never ever gave them a reason for a meeting, though, but I know that they all considered me "uppidy" and "above my station."
I was raised in the west and the culture where I was did not have much social status, hence I grew up not believing I had any "betters." To this day I cannot stand it when an employer talks about their "subordinates." I was always being told that I was "too independent" and that was a fault (not to mention the stubborn thing).
Yes I had plenty of other experience with the woman being less routine, the elders visited occasionally to try to bring my husband into the borg. So, unfortunately he (already controlling and abusive) discovered that god wanted men to be in control and the woman to be subordinate. Well let me tell you THAT helped. But as you all know, Jehovah doesn't believe in divorce. So I endured it for 15 years.
But, I ESCAPED both that marriage and the borg and I can now be as uppidy as I want to. And let me tell you, ladies, we are SOMETHING! Wish I could remember the words to that old song, "I am Woman, Hear me Roar!!!"
I'm truly sorry that all of us had the experience we did, we should have not had to go through it. However, having said that, the experience has made me the person I am today and dammit, I am all right. I know you all are too.