What Ways Did Jehovah's Witnesses Make You Feel Guilty???

by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    Hello and welcome Brookyln.

    You have freinds here who will take you as you are.You should start a thread and introduce yourself.


  • FreeFallin
    One elder was giving a talk and he mentioned how many times a day we should pray.He said if we can count the amount of times on our fingers,then its not enough

    That explains the litany in my head, "Dear Jehovah, please forgive me for what I've done." It plays over and over, even now. Sometimes I think it will drive me crazy.


  • Courage

    Guilt I was never good enough for God or anyone

    Guilt for being a evil slut ~courtesy of my mother

  • willyloman
    I hated the way everyone got upset when I finally told them that I did not believe what the WTS taught. I told them I was not leaving them, only the organization. Unfortunately JWs cannot distinguish the difference between themselves and the organization.

    One poignant post, among many. Especially that last line. So true.

  • kilroy2

    They use guilt as a control tool.

    If you are programed to always feel guilty then you will be more inclined to let them control more of your life.

    And that in the end of the day is what it is all about. I really don?t think the butt bangers in bethel really give a rats ass about the teaching as much as they do about preserving the organization.

    It is there security, and the people that support it need to be controlled to keep everything in place. It is obvious that they don?t care about the rank and file. we are not only second class citizens but expendable.

    A cousin of mine told me a few days ago that she found an old cassette tape that had "apostate" recordings that some one had given her a long time ago. she said that she ran to the burn barrel then stood there thinking, what am I so afraid of? the mind control is still working even though I have left many years ago.

    It is very important to work hard to root out the damage that the dubs have inflicted. for me it is an every day project.

  • wednesday

    My family of orgin and current one has been riddled with emotional illness, substance abuse and were judged to not be morally fit people. We all had such low self esteem, we could barely function. JWS made us all feel guilty for just existing. We were users by their standards and contributed nothing. JWS are cold blooded heartless people.

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    I felt guilty for working to help support my family and not be pioneering.

    I felt guilty on my job. I drive a school bus and would look at all those kids and think...they are all going to be destroyed? Why they haven't even done anything wrong yet and I've done soooo many things wrong. And I get to survive into the paradise earth?

    I felt guilty trying to make myself look nice. Remember we are supposed to be plain women. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves...Oh come on


  • SAHS

    I like that point from ?Strawberryfieldsforever?:

    ?I drive a school bus and would look at all those kids and think...they are all going to be destroyed? Why they haven't even done anything wrong yet and I've done soooo many things wrong. And I get to survive into the paradise earth??

    For me, it wasn?t so much guilt for anything in particular as it was for just the combination of errors and ?sins? accumulated throughout my life since childhood. I?ve never done anything really ?bad,? and certainly never wanted to even think about hurting anyone in any way, but I was made to feel unreasonably guilty by my dad for my sins and some ?unnatural desires.? He would always scare me about unforgivable sin. Eventually I just assumed that there was no way I was going to survive the ?big A? (armageddon).

    Also, as a byproduct of this guilt, I?ve developed a neurotic compulsion to read everything in every article of the magazines (W&A), regardless of how little interest I have in the subject. Actually, since childhood I?ve developed OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) with ?free-floating anxiety.? My OCD is much more under control now, and fortunately I?ve been trying to use speed-reading techniques to alleviate at least some of the pain in keeping up with all those magazines and studies. (I sure hate it when 3 or 4 magazines pile up in at the literature desk all at once ? like they probably will tonight! Heeeeellllllpp! )

    Compulsions, anxiety, and neurosis are certainly part of the picture for the JWs still struggling to live up to the religion of the GB!

    ? SAHS


    Kilroy wrote:

    It is very important to work hard to root out the damage that the dubs have inflicted. for me it is an every day project.

    I agree heartily with this statement. In fact, my experience is that I can't emphasize enough to root out those old beliefs and replace them with something healthy and functional. I think when I first was df'd, there was a part of me that still thought that shite was the troof ... the other part knew it was lies. It was just a matter of noticing how "under the influence" I still was, then do something about it. For me, I joined a positive-thinking group of people, I do positive affirmations, I take self-help courses to replace the garbage that the dubs filled my mind with all my life. And it is on-going! Not to mention the nine years of therapy that I had. Being born and raised into that, I didn't totally realize how influenced and damaged I was.

    Bottom line is I can't emphasize enough ... to replace the dub-isms with something healthy. The dubisms are sick teachings ... seriously depressing, negative, fear-based sick teachings. Get rid of them if you want to feel happy and healthy, imho!

    We all deserve a happy healthy life! We deserve to give ourselves the opportunity!!!


  • minimus

    Aren't ya happy you're out of all that, now???

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