In general, after nearly forty years in the "truth", I conclude that most Witnesses are no prize as friends.
There are several reasons why:
Their "love" is often very conditional and qualified - sort of a "I'll be your friend as long as you count time and attend meetings" situation.
They are often so busy with Theocratic Busywork ( field service, meetings) that they have little time left for anything
creative or interesting, like a real hobby. In addition, they take little interest in the world around them except in a superficial
way, often merely to confirm some dubious pre-conceived opinion. ( "Notice that amazing biotech research? -- Yes, Jehovah
must end this system Soon!").
Finally, many of them are marginal people, with marginal marriages and marginal families. They came "in the truth"
to escape this -- but usually end up "enduring" whatever bad luck or choices life has stuck them with. Aside from
a few demands to give up smoking, drinking and sleeping around, the organization will demand that they remain weak
dependent people - so that they can be controlled. Lotsa luck finding social intimacy with these if you have a working
brain and enough spine to avoid being "used" by the organization.
My only regret in this is not spending more time building friendships with a better class of people - less enamoured
of a permanent spiritual, emotional, and intellectual childhood. Your time is better spent elsewhere with folks who
want to explore and grow as adults. I miss a few Witnesses - but not very deeply. I wish I missed them more
but how much was really there to start with?