(January 9, 2004)
On Friday, the United States Government lowered the national threat level from an High to Elevated risk of terrorist attack -- or as more commonly known, from a Orange Code to Yellow Code. http://www.whitehouse.gov/homeland/
What a relief. Now we can travel with less fear and apprehension. We can relax in our homes knowing all is more secure than a few days or weeks ago. So, everyone was a little anxious during the holidays. Just a cloud over the good times families had together. All part of a wonderful system established to protect us from the REAL DANGER of this world wide organized threat determined to ruin our lives.
But then, how did you get to your relatives home for the holidays. You didn't drive, did you? Man, now that was a risk. You didn't make a fire in the old fire place did you? You were much more likely to die from a house fire, or the 50+ toxins you breathed in with the wood smoke, or from the asthma the allergens could trigger. In fact you are your loved ones were about 100 times more likely to become a victim of a mind controlling cult in the US, ten times more risk of joining Jehovah's Witnesses alone, than dying from an attack from Islamic terrorists.
I lost two relatives to the JW Blood policy in the last eleven months. Why don't we have a Cult color alert system to warn us of risk of extreme religious attacks from within the country? I suspect a lot more people die each year in this country as a result of obeying the Watchtower then those who died in the Twin Towers.
Please understand I am not minimizing what happened in NY on Sept 11, nor the threat of terrorism. We watched 3000 people die before our eyes. But this current level of fear is not based on what HAS happened but is based on what Government admininistration FEARS MAY HAPPEN. But these are the same paranoid guys who told us that Saddam had a nuclear weapons program, that Saddam was working with and was harboring Al Quiada, and actively producing chemical weapons. Saddam needed to go, but what about those who mislead us about the REASONS he needed to go?
I am upset with the paranoia of our present government, not to mention the misrepresentation of facts to support their paranoia.