I feel your pain, and I think you are completely justified in your feelings.
To the brother who called in sick after Thanksgiving vacation
by schnell 16 Replies latest jw friends
Why didn't you simply tell your boss your tooth hurt and that rescheduling the appointment would cost you? You could have easily proven both of those things with a note from both your dentist and your insurance company. And your boss cannot write you up or fire you for that. If he tries, you can take him to court. And win.
Barrold Bonds
What he did sucks, but ultimately you gave in. Don't be a pussy. Stand up for yourself next time.
Why didn't you simply tell your boss your tooth hurt and that rescheduling the appointment would cost you?
Logistics. The world can't stop for a broken tooth or a lazy schmuck. Especially when a job needs to start in the early hours and many many customers are depending on it, waiting on the schmuck becomes a huge gamble with few payoffs.
Politics, too. I made a sacrifice with a few perhaps desperate options left available, but I don't think he did himself any favors.
Yes it's a dental emergency you need seeing to or you could loose the tooth and/or it will get infected you cannot go over Xmas with that. Ask for an emergency appointment now. You can buy emergency tooth fix kits in pharmacies...failing that clove oil dabbled on the tooth will stop the pain. There are also other modern preparations which you apply directly to the tooth that do the same job.
I have a tooth abscess now so I'm literally feeling your pain!
Sound off as much as u need, it's what we are here for and yes a bit of common decently from jws wouldn't go amiss talk about straining out the gNat but leaving the camel or whatever!
Also exjwreddit is cool for a good, understanding quick sound off!!
Hi Ben - did you ever get you dental appointment changed to December?
Nope! Thank you for asking. My tooth doesn't hurt now, I'm just out a few hundred bucks.