I think the more interesting concern is that the serpent is believed to be Satan, the Devil by most Christians. The father of the lie did tell the truth when he told Eve she would not die, that instead she would become like god. God himself confirms that this latter claim was accurate. We can even claim that the serpent did not lie when it told Eve she wouldn't die- she did not die on the same day, as god had warned. Indeed, one can interpret the Genesis story to mean that god was upset with the serpent because it showed these first humans that god was keeping a valuable gift from them. And that he did so using threats.
God cannot lie
by psyco 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
Assume God can indeed lie. Then the statement that God cannot lie, is, in fact, a lie. In other words, that's exactly what a lying God would say.
Nicolaou l don't think that a doctor would say " your Mother will not die " because he / she would know differently.
Or they would mean that she wouldn't die from that particular thing .
Doctors usually say : your Mother can have many more years ahead of her " or something like .
Your pretend conversation is contrived to support the point that you want to make
Jan from Tam
Your pretend conversation is contrived to support the point that you want to make
Well of course it is so why not choose to address my point Jan instead of wasting effort attacking my analogy? The 'pretend conversation' I used may have been clunky but the obvious point I was making is that Adam and Eve did not die as God has said they would but rather they lived on (for centuries if the Bible is to be believed).
God lied.
God said “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness"
After sinning, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
So which version was man like God?
Seems like a lie in there to,
and isn't it strange man was created perfect like God not knowing good from evil. hmm
jhine - “…Your pretend conversation is contrived to support the point that you want to make..”
Well, jeezus, what’s the point of contriving pretend conversations if you’re not gonna support your own fucking points???
Well of course god cannot lie. If you catch him what appears to be a misstatement, he can just pull 'the new light' card and he doesn't even have to apologize either because 'apparently' that's how god operates. (Apologies to Winder or Fleegle whichever one came up with this absurd excuse about new light)
I search on "free will" online showed to me there are many definitions of free will, even in religions. I have found that when someone articulates what "free will" it is their opinion and many times does not even agree among jws or the WTS. Am I surprised? No. It becomes a circular conversation. I believe that my actions do not occur in a vacuum, that my choices and actions affect all those around me, so I have to consider that.