Pat Garza : I'm Pat Garza , and I'm here to say that I was raped by Theodore Jaracz when I was a little girl, in the city of Los Angeles , he was the District Overseer at the time. There are two boys; their initials are "M.D." and "M.W.", if they could be found they could confirm my allegations- if I could find them they�re older than me, they were there, there were witnesses! We were terrified and silenced! We were not allowed to talk. My life was threatened and my brothers were threatened, they were going to be killed if I spoke.
That was a serious allegation made about 16 years ago and being brought up now should have some serious questions asked about the allegations ?
Did her parents know about this accusation? And did they do anything about it ?
Was it reported to the police or child protection Authorities ?
Have either of the two she mentioned as witnesses to this sexual abuse have ever come forward to substantiate her claims ?
For a case to go anywhere in a court of law evidence must be presented and /or witnesses must be presented to validate the allegations made, without either ,their is no case to answer .
I`m not disbelieving her claim but in all fairness their has to be more than just an allegation against somebody to prosecute or condemn them.