What are they trying to hide

by UnshackleTheChains 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • doubtfull1799

    The society has demonstrated time and again how much they will work towards protecting their reputation and financial interests, but anything else is just speculation. We know they have a database, but until we know what is in it why feed conspiracy theories? The facts that have come out in numerous court cases are damaging enough without speculating about even worse scenarios.

  • Finkelstein

    Its the same reason why the GB heads ordered all congregations that have any written information concerning certain members of possible pedophilia to be destroyed.

    They dont want a paper trace that could be used in a law suit.

  • skin

    Ding said "Granted, identifying and DFing pedophiles and other child abusers would be one way of doing that, but people (including JWs themselves) would start asking why the problem is so widespread within Jehovah's happy organization in the first place"

    What about the high % of JW divorces. (At least in the 3 congregations I've been in over the last 30 years). That hasn't made the people question / doubt the org. In fact the one time I heard a faithful old sister question an elder over the high divorce rate within her congregation, his answer was "not when you compare the number of divorces to that of the world". I did compare, and still today I hear of more & more divorces going on in WT land.

  • Finkelstein

    "not when you compare the number of divorces to that of the world"

    Brainwashed JWS think that there is less divorces in their organization or religion, wrong its equal to the general population.

  • ScenicViewer

    From the OP,

    ...could it be they are hiding some things within the GB itself ... who might have had some serious allegations made against them...

    The Organization has admitted that "some who have been prominent in Jehovah's organization" have been involved in the practice of child molesting. Notice the word 'practice' is used, which means more than a one time offense.

    The Organization doesn't say who the "prominent" ones are.

  • zeb

    from Oxford dictionary. Prominent:

    • important.. famous
    • projecting from something. (prominent eyes)
    • situated so as to catch attention, noticeable.

    well now at what level could that be?

  • smiddy3
    Still Totally ADD20 hours ago

    Smiddy3 that statement made by Pat leads me to believe it is true

    Then I hope she uses what time is left to take advantages of the options still open and available to her to get justice for the wrongs done to her.

  • Vidiot
    "...The Organization has admitted that 'some who have been prominent in Jehovah's organization' have been involved in the practice of child molesting....

    Translation: "mistakes were made (but not by us)."

    Weasel words to set your watch by.

  • Vidiot
    doubtful - "The society has demonstrated time and again how much they will work towards protecting their reputation and financial interests, but anything else is just speculation..."

    Here's one that isn't...

    ...they will also bend over backwards to reinforce the concept of being God's exclusive Earthly Organization, and ruthlessly act against anything that might call that into question amongst the rank-and-file.

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