"I'm not interested" / "Have a good day" ??

by Gopher 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gopher
    One person told me that he was going to punch me, I told him that he owuld go to jail for a long time , I would own his his house and he may not be resuurected b. Jw preaching is protectedd by law. I told him to calm doen that I would see him in court and he could explain his feelings to the cops as I filed a complaint against him. He aplogized and took the mags and gave me a nice donation.

    You sure knew how to an overcome an objection !!!

    "I'm going to punch you" -- I never heard that one. However, I did hear "Get off my doorstep or I'll let my big dog loose."

  • Stephanus
    "Would you be interested if you could find out how you could see your dead loved ones again someday?"

    My Response:"Would you be interested in preserving your scrawny necks from the wrath of one who resents having his dead loved ones used callously as a recruiting tool for a publishing company that masquerades as a religion? Then please leave NOW!!"

    My mom loves to say, "Is there any particular reason why you are not interested"?

    My response: "You're too old and ugly for my tastes, deary!" LOL

  • fearnotruth22

    Youve never preached in Brooklyn. Some people in Brooklyn have gotten pumched in the face or beaten up while preaching.

  • Stephanus

    Fearnotruth, you were playing mind games and deliberately winding people up; you deserved to be punched. "Provocation" would be the defence the defendant would use in court, quite justifiably, IMO.

  • fearnotruth22

    He who hits gets to give evrything he owns to the brother preaching the word of God. Thats the way the game is played.

  • Stephanus
    He who hits gets to give evrything he owns to the brother preaching the word of God. Thats the way the game is played.

    Nope. The courts would take into account the fact that you had come onto someone else's property uninvited and through a series of psychologically provocative tactics provoked the person to take action to stop you messing with their heads. "Provocation" would be the defence, and would protect the householder (and their family) from your greedy get-rich-quick scheme.

  • fearnotruth22

    Steph, that may be true in Australia, but her in the US of A, if you hit a jw he gets to keep all of your money.

    Case in point: A burglar fell into a booby trap set by the owner of the property crippling the burglar, Burglar sued and the Court ruled in favor of the criminal awarding him millions, also finding the landlord criminally liable

    A man was soliciting in private property posted no solicitors. The man was asked nicely to stop soliciting but he stayed argueing that he had a constitutional right to solicit. The owner of the property hit the solicitor with a night stick injuring and causing permanent damage to his knee. The Solicitor sued. IN court the owner of the prperty argued and presented witnesses and evidence that the solicitor did provoke and threaten and acted disorderly. The court ruled that the injured man was asaulted without any provocation and held the individual using the nightstick and causing injury to the solicitor guilty of a crime. A jury awarded a large summ of money to the solicitor. The assailant went to jail

    A man angry with his neighbohr because he let garbage in front of his house rang the bell and thretaened the man in his house. THe man in his house punched the angty man in his face causing injury to the eye. The angry man sued caliming permanet injury to his eye and complaints of seisures.and permanent neurological damage.

    The court found that the man in his house was not justified in using force and found him guilty of a crime. Court ruled that the man in his house should have closed his door . The injured angry man was awarded $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the man in the house went to jail. While in jail he was stabbed in the eye loosing his eye.

  • fearnotruth22

    Goph:No injury no matter how minor is worth any aomunt of money in compensation to me.

  • Sassy

    I personally hated when JWs would push for farther into a discussion rather than just accept a polite "I am not interested".. that irritated me.. To me we were there NOT on invitation and they had a right to not be interested.. but no.. you were supposed to PUSH to see if you could edge your way into more conversation.. I hated that..

    I always said..HAVE A NICE DAY.. and I gave them my nicest smile... I can't tell you actually how many times a 'householder' turned from a scowl to a smile when I left them alone and wished them well..

  • Thirdson

    Once or twice I treid to counter the "I'm not interested" statement. That tended only to infuriate the householder more. It was common in my area for JWs to say "sorry to have distrurbed you, Good day," when people would say they were busy. An elder in my circuit at one time was visiting other congs as the guest speaker and telling the bros & sis not to apologize for disturbing people. His attitude was that people should be apologizing to JWs for not listening. At the next COs visit he mentioned this elder and said it was OK to apologize for disturbing people as it was normal British politeness.

    I did frequently counter the excuse "I have my own religion" as it tended to be an area of common ground in an very non-religious community. On one occasion, an elderly man answered the door and said, "we are Methodists." I carried on explaining how nice it was to meet someone with a religious conviction when his wife shouted from the background, "Tell them we are Catholics!" The man looked rather embarrassed so I just smiled and said, "We'll speak to you another time; sorry to have disturbed you. Have a nice day." I turned around and walked away.


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