PLEASE HELP>>>>Baptism nullification looking for anwsers

by sadeyez 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe

    There's no such thing as "Baptism Nullification" or variations thereof, in the JW vocabulary, or in the Flock book. Therefore it doesn't exist. Furthermore, it's unlikely to help you much, as there would still likely be propaganda going about you.

    The real problem is that your dad is going to put something ahead of his real family, again. That really is his loss - more fool him. I suspect he'll be the bigger loser, in all of this.

    You might want to tell him so.

  • sadeyez

    Thank you all for taking the time to anwser my question. I think I was grasping at straws. Trying to find a way to be able to reverse the outcome. This came out of the blue w/ my stepdad. All the while my own dad in in the hospital on a ventalator. He is doing better now than earlier this week. But reading some of the other stories I am not alone in my pain and anger. There are many others that have/are going through much worse and my heart goes out to all.

    Each day gets alittle easier, my kids are having a tough time but we are able to talk openly about their feelings and go on. I am blessed to have the rest of my family around, (and there are many of them) none of them are JWs.

    Thank you all again. I have only been on for a few days but I am glad there is a place where one can go and know that they are not alone.

    P.S. Will have to change my alias soon.....

  • Bendrr
    I'd notify him that if he starts shunning me it is forever and he can never see my kids again. I'd tell him it's his choice. He sounds like a jerk to me. GaryB

    Gary, I don't go along with that. To threaten "if you shun me I'll shun you back" is playing on their terms and we've got to rise above that, take the moral high ground.

    I'd say just the opposite. Refuse to be shunned. Play by their rules and you reinforce everything he's told. Cut off his contact with the kids and it's persecution. As far as you or I are concerned, the rules about family contact are for THEM and don't apply to US because we're not in the Empire. Don't enable his following of the cult rules. You've got the high ground and the "shock and awe", his grandkids.


  • sadeyez


    I had not thought about it in that way...although my 12yr old was ready to have it out w/ him yeaterday but he was not home. So today I decided I am not going to allow them to have the last word. I am going to have my say and see how my dad handles the things I feel he needs to know...after that it up to him. But I will not go quietly.

    Thank You


  • garybuss

    Deb, You wrote:

    But I will not go quietly.

    Good for you!

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