I have told my story before, but since there are a lot of new people, I thought I would tell it again. (Please forgive the fact that I can't do paragraphs, because for some reason webtv doesnt' work here.) I was born a JW, or close to it. My mother became a Witness when I was four. My father was serving in WWII at the time. (I am 63 now.) My father came back to a very different woman than he married. She was against everything he fought for. He was very upset, as you can understand, but eventually he just accepted the situation. My mother raised me and my sister, and my father worked and worked overtime. He had no ability to contribute to my upbringing, because of the strong influence of my mother. When I was ten, my mother had her first "nervous breakdown". At the time, they did not know how to treat her, and she spent three months in a mental hospital, where she received shock treatments. Many years later, when they discovered Lithium, they put her on this and she totally calmed down. Well, I continued through my childhood, into high school as a true believer. In the year after high school, I met a person of my same age who told me that the JW's used to believe in the Great Pryamid, as prediction of our times. I thought that idea was preposterous, but I checked it out, and found out that he was right. After that discovery, I went through several stages over a period of seven years - from true believer, to believer with minor doubts, to believer with major doubts, to nonbeliever who wanted to believe, to a total nonbeliever. That was many years ago, before the internet, and before the major books were written on the subject. At the time, there only two books, "Fourty Years a Watchtower Slave" and "Armageddon Around the Corner. I do not have the emotional pain that some of you have. I have been out for forty plus years, and my life has moved on. I still do have residual effects. My sister is a Witness. Fortunatly, we are on good terms. My wife's sister and father are Witnesses. We are also on good terms with them as well. In my sister's case, it took 15 years before we reconnected, but we eventually did.
My story again
by larc 14 Replies latest jw friends
Nice to read your story again. You and I are around the same age and something you said rang a bell for me. My father also went off to WW II and came back a stranger to my mother - they never had a proper relationship after that and I'm sure that has affected my life and my ability to form relationships.
It would be interesting to find out if others on the board, of a similar vintage to ourselves, can relate to this.
Hello larc, interesting story.
In the year after high school, I met a person of my same age who told me that the JW's used to believe in the Great Pryamid, as prediction of our times. I thought that idea was preposterous, but I checked it out, and found out that he was right.
Don't you know that Russell was just an imperfect man and that the light keeps getting brighter? LOL
Thanks for sharing your story. I always find it very interesting to read about one's life and how they got to this board. I appreciate those who have shared their life experiences because many times it mirrors mine.
Maybe one day I can share mine....just not able to do so at this point, without jeopardizing certain relations.
In my sister's case, it took 15 years before we reconnected, but we eventually did.
I've been anxiously awaiting for this to happen,but I'm starting to grow weary.
Thank you for sharing your story....neighbor...
hi larc,
"Fourty Years a Watchtower Slave" and "Armageddon Around the Corner"
I have the first book, which covers Rutherford, but have not seen the other. Who wrote it?
Also, larc, didn't you mention that your family knew Rutherford's nurse? Did she have anything to say about Rutherford?
P.S. Did you ever read "Jehovah of the Watchtower" by Walter Martin? I have to check when it first came out, it might have come out after you had already left the WT.
In the year after high school, I met a person of my same age who told me that the JW's used to believe in the Great Pryamid, as prediction of our times. I thought that idea was preposterous, but I checked it out, and found out that he was right.
I guess Dan and I are thinking the same today. This also struck me as odd and I didn't believe it either until later when I discovered Randy's site, and Mcgreggor Ministies on the net and saw it for myself.
Larc......40 years out is a LONG time. I admire that you still have some roots to ex-dubs and their struggles, and have helped in aiding various ones to see the real truth behind this organisation.
I think regardless of how long you have been out........this organisation still remains an intresting inigma to monitor for those who were heavily involved.
Thank for sharing your story again with us heathen bastards.
Larc & link,
I am in the 50’s, age-wise. I was "raised in the Truth(tm)". Actually, damn near "born in it". Both parents were in before I was born and Dad decided to move "where the need was great" to start a "congo".
I eventually pIONNERED and was the equivalent of an MS, before the rank actually existed.
I have been out for around 30 years. Unlike you, I still have the baggage. I agree that it wears down with the years.
That is, unless your have a zealot-ass, Dub father from hell who calls you every two weeks to preach/drag/club you back to the KH. I had to put a stop to that a few years ago. I spent a few of those years being browbeat for "not showing respect" and just let him rant. I gave his way a trial, AGAIN.
And, yes, the ability to develop relationships was affected, but not destroyed. As always, the baggage is there, because JW’s won’t "live and let live".
Larc, I too, appreciate that even after 40 years out---you still feel the need to help here. I've always appreciated your thinking. Sincerely, I do wish that you would post more often. A person with your age and experience is needed on this forum. I like you. You tell it as it is.
Hey, wait a minute! Is this a true story?