Drama! Wierd, I don't even know you or the situation at hand. I just know this pattern and I have seen it a million times. Just turn of the computer, walk away from the keyboard and stop coming to this site. When you change your feelings, come back. Trust me, you will, about 99% of those who say these dramatic good-byes. Read the boards every day after exit, thinking they will read but not post. Then wham, here they are again, posting after they cooled off. Posting and anger do not mix well. Makes us do foolishing things.
Why do they post, "I'm leaving!" Topics?
by Maverick 43 Replies latest jw friends
to get attention, because of low self esteem, because they like this site but feel stuck in a rut, lots of reasons. of course most xjw's are nuts in different ways - myself included - its just a way of life in the xjw - jw scheme of things
I think people just want to be noticed and appreciated. Not everybody feels they are. Everyone has their types of pleas for attention and love.
*gumby thinks he's a bigshot confucious guy now*
think people just want to be noticed and appreciated. Not everybody feels they are. Everyone has their types of pleas for attention and love.
yes gumby, we all need help at some time. How's that song by the Beatles go''"I get by with a little help from my friends" It does not hurt me to give a kind word, and maybe when i need one, somone will be there for me.
I have always wanted to know the answer to this question as well. Seems kind of lame to post I am leaving. Should I really care? Then I can understand how one would want to get the word out to those that do care and perhaps exchange contact information if they haven't already done so. I can respect both sides.
I think if were all being really honest......we WANT to be noticed if were gone. It obviously makes us feel people care about us.......plain and simple. We want people to think that what we said here made some sense and either helped others, or it gave us a chance to share our feelings. We want to feel other noticed we left.....it's human
*gumby thinks he's a bigshot confucious guy now*
That's probably because he is a bigshot confusious guy now. He only just now discovered this. But we've known all along.
I think if were all being really honest......we WANT to be noticed if were gone. It obviously makes us feel people care about us.......plain and simple. We want people to think that what we said here made some sense and either helped others, or it gave us a chance to share our feelings. We want to feel other noticed we left.....it's human
This is a simpler way of saying we all want validation sometimes. We do and there is nothing wrong with it. Babies who don't get cuddled and loved get sick and sometimes they even die of broken hearts. This never changes. We all want to be loved. We are not rocks and we are not islands.
PS I hope Simon and Garfunkle don't see this.
Maverick: I did post once that I was leaving, and I did admit that I was probably having a bit of a childish tantrum because I felt that I wasn't heard. I was extremely vulnerable at the time and just felt more lonely because I felt that no-one cared enough to respond. I do think you are being insensitive. There are times in a persons life when things become almost impossible to bear, as was the case with me. I could not talk to anyone about it; not friends or family. This was the only place where I could talk freely about how I felt. I don't come here very often. I think the last time I posted was about a month ago. I have finally gotten over the situation that I was in. I do hope that you will be a bit more sensitive when this happens again and someone threatens to leave. We are all here because we want to say what's on our minds and to be validated; just to have someone to listen to us and maybe get some comfort when the going gets tough.
interesting: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/55579/1.ashx
Azaria and IronGland: This feedback is helpful. I am glad you are still here and can give some insight on this subject. There are many things outside my experience and one of the elements of this board is the totally different views and outlooks of the people here. I find it very refreshing. So different from the BS "like mindedness" which in fact is "like mindlessness" of the WTS! Thanks, Maverick