Who here left the "truth" because.....

by freedom96 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday
    They stopped leaving tracts in the waiting room for the unit I work in at my hosp. Guess they found all of those tracts defaced with fact sheets.



  • bikerchic

    Hello freedom96,

    I was actually in the process of thinking I should go back, if only to please my Mom who was encouraging me to. Then I found this web site. When I came here was during the period when for a newbie I couldn't tell if this was a pro or anti JW site, but loved reading all the arguments pro and con. It's really what made me start looking up things like the UN scandal and checking out sites like Silentlambs, oh gosh there were a whole bunch of sites and lots of reading that I did. So YES this site did help me make my mind up to leave the B'org.


  • seattleniceguy

    Hello Freedom,

    I left without ever looking at a board like this. In fact, even after I knew it was all bunk, it was still a while until I had the guts to read apostate literature. It just felt dirty somehow. My first exposure was to beyondjw.com, which I found totally refreshing and enlightening. Rather than being a tool to get me out, it was a tool to help me see the future.

    U2K: I've got to tell you something. The world does not revolve around the epic struggle between evolution and creation. Evolution doesn't rank very high on the list of active topics in my mind. You might get more out of this board if you just chill a bit and try to understand where others are coming from.



  • Brummie

    The internet wasnt so popular when I left back in the early 90s, however a snoop round in the Kingdom Hall library led me to have as many doubts as the internet would have.

  • Carmel

    When I escaped the Matrix, there was no internet, still using slide rules, and super bowl was yet to be invented.


  • Nocturne

    I'm still an active witness, but I'm in the process of leaving, and definitely due to the information I have found on sites like this made me realize what exactly was going on in the organization. It first started with CBC's Fifth Estate, then led to the UN then to rest of the stuff.

  • Loris
    When I heard rumors of child abuse cases and surfed the net and found Silent Lambs I was shocked and livid!!!!! DA'ed myself faster than you can swat a mosquito. Told them I refuse to sully MY name by being associated with an org that tolerates, aids and abets child molestation. About a week later I found out about the UN fiasco on the net and have been learning new things almost weekly

    Wow Elamona we must be clones! That was my exact route out. I though had three visits by the Gestapo before they got my DA letter.


  • Skeptically Yours
    Skeptically Yours

    This will be me very soon!

    SY here, DY elsewhere

  • blondie

    Mentally, I left years ago. I got on this site about 1 month after I got on the internet. I found others, many who thought like I did. Silentlambs clinched it.


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